Bank of New South Wales (fmr)

Notre Dame University ND33 - Bank of New South Wales

7 High St (was no 13 pre 1939) and 14 Cliff St

Architecture: A single storey, painted, tuck pointed, brick building with roughcast stone foundations and zero setback from the pavement. The building features a stucco cornice and highly decorative parapet, which has engaged low piers and pediments that are finished with pairs of spheres on the corners. The main entrance has a stucco gable above and recessed timber French doors.

History: Originally Lot 19 was owned by R M Lyon (1829-1837), transferred to R Brown (1855-1859), then transferred to Pearse and Owston (1876-) The first building on Lot 19 was a long galvanised iron warehouse built for Pearse and Owston, to the rear of the lot.
In 1897 a banking chamber and three offices were constructed for the Bank of New South Wales (designed by Wilkinson & Smith). This was constructed for Captain W M Owston. Its opening coincided with commencement of work on the inner harbour. The one storey building was not elaborate when compared with bank buildings in Melbourne or Sydney, but it represented an investment in the fortunes of the colony and a growing awareness that Fremantle was about to grow into a major port. Owston operated a branch of the bank there until 1916-17 and it was used as a bank until 1926.

1926 Spanney’s Ltd. For any of your musical requirements. (reference


Lot 19 owners: 1829 - 1837 Lyon, Robert M, 1855 - 1859 Brown, R, 1876 - 1878 Pearse & Owston

1897 - 1917 Bank of New South Wales (1897-1900: E A Cameron, manager; 1901-1902: William Birnie, manager; 1903-1928: C H Pinniger, manager)

1928 - 1942 Swan Wool Scouring Co of WA Ltd, wool scourers (1928-1935: E Antoine, director)

1930 - 1937 Belguim Consulate (1930-1935: E Antoine, consul; 1935-1937: J C Antoine, acting consul)

1942 - 1943 United States Navy (store)

1944 - 1945 United States (Fleet Post Office)

1947 - 1949 Swan Wool Scouring Co of W A Ltd, wool scourers

1949 Flocco Giovanni, tailor

2002 Millennium-Exposition of Wonders

2010 Architecture School and Communications Laboratory, Notre Dame University.


13-19 Mouat Street

Notre Dame University ND1 - formerly William Sandover Warehouse and P J Morris Building

13-19 Mouat St (was 39-45 pre 1938)

Architecture: This two storey rendered building was built in the Federation Free Classical style. It has ashlar effect pilasters and zero setback from the pavement. There is a decorative parapet with balustrade and bracketed cornice. The ground floor has stucco architraves over arched windows and a central drive through entrance, an attached single storey gateway entrance is on the south side.

1897 - A match between teams representing the Perth and Fremantle branches of Messrs. W. Sandover and Co.'s establishment, was played at Cottesloe on Saturday, April 10, resulting in a win for the Fremantle house. (reference)

1898 - Article and images of Sandover & Co. buildings in Fremantle & Perth: WILLIAM SANDOVER AND CO., Perth, Fremantle & London. "WHILE we live we'll grow." To no business house in Western Australia is this phrase more applicable than to the well-known firm of William Sandover and Co., who, sixteen years ago, established themselves at Fremantle in quite a modest way… All over Western Australia the name of the firm is now a household word. The pearl-diver of the North-West purchases his diving out-fit, the miner of the fields his tools, and the farmer of the Avon Valley his implements from William Sandover and Co. The magnitude of the business transacted by the firm necessitates the employment of three large establishments, the whole-sale and retail house and factory (both of which are situated in Fremantle), and the great retail stores in Perth. In these different branches there are employed over two hundred hands… FREMANTLE: The stocks of all heavy lines for the mining and general wholesale business are kept here and, judging by the large stocks of all mining requirements which are to be seen in their capacious warehouses…  The factory is situated in Mouatt-street, Fremantle, where sixty hands are continually employed. Here is to be seen the latest machinery for manufacturing tinware in - all its branches, wire mattresses, bedding, spouting and ridging, and all classes of general iron work. Special attention is being paid to the important industry of wire-mattress weaving, the firm having the sole patent rights for Western Australia. (reference)

1903 Drs. Blackburn and Anderson paid a visit of inspection to the premises of Messrs. W. Sandover and Co., in High-street, this morning, and found no reason to recommend that the establishment should be placed in quarantine. Half of the assistants were inoculated by Dr. Anderson, and the others will be treated this afternoon. It was decided not to recommend that the establishment should be placed in quarantine, because the firm intends removing into new premises at an early date. (reference)

1903 The inquest into the circumstances connected with the death of Duncan Reid, a painter, who fell through the roof of Sandover's warehouse, Mouatt street, Fremantle, was resumed by Mr. R, Fairbairn, R.M., and the jury of three, this morning. Mr. J. C. Ross watched the proceedings on behalf of the relatives. Dr. White gave evidence that the deceased sustained a fracture to the skull, which Dr. Laurie, acting-surgeon at the Public Hospital, deposed as the cause of death. Evidence as to the circumstances of the fall was given by Richard Romer, George Thomas and Sydney Caporn, employees at the warehouse. (reference)

1940 Smart lad wanted, about 17 years. Apply Fremantle Bag Co., 19 Mouatt-st., 10 o'clock. (reference)

1942 Boy under 16 wanted. Fremantle Bag Company. 19 Mouatt-st. (reference)

1946 AUCTION- under instructions from Messrs. Gollin and Company Pty. Ltd: Warehouses Nos. 13 - 19 Mouatt-st., near High-st. Convenient to wharves. (reference)

1992 Notre Dame

In February 1992 the University enrolled its first students, about 50 of them, all postgraduate, in its newly opened College of Education building (ND1). The majority of these foundation-year students were full-time one-year Diploma in Education candidates. Their coordinator and mentor was Brother Pat Carey cfc. Other students enrolled in the new Master of Educational Leadership course. Many of the latter students were senior staff from metropolitan Catholic schools. This UNDA College of Education was led by its experienced new Dean, Professor Tony Ryan, who was seconded for two years from his position as Dean of Education at Curtin University to initiate teacher education at Notre Dame. Professor Ryan, and early staff including David Carter, Kevin Casey, Kevin Barry, Brother Jack Dwyer FMS, Sister Leonie O’Brien RSM, Sister Eileen Lenihan RSJ, and Brother John Carrigg cfc, made major contributions to the early development of Notre Dame in this vital first academic venture in Education by the new University. Information taken from The Founding and Establishment of Notre Dame, 1986-2014 by Peter Tannock 2014 (reference)


Lots 33,34,35 and iron store rooms on lot 36 were originally owned by W & P Chidlow (1829-1855), Mrs Hodges (1855-56), William Chidlow (1857-1879)

No. 13-15 (was 39-41 pre 1938)

1902 - 1903 Sandover & Co, William, merchants & importers

1902- 1923 Harris, Scarfe & Sandover's Ltd, Iron, hardware, and machinery merchants, wholesale & retail ironmongers (1902-1920 Sandover & Co, William, 1921 -1922 Sandover's Ltd)

1924 vacant

1925 - 1939 Holmes & Coy Ltd, Richard (bond & free stores)

1939 - 1944 Rhodes A V, wool merchants

No. 17

1938 - 1939 Holmes & Co Ltd, Richard, bond & free stores

No. 19 (was 45 pre 1938)


Dunstan, Mrs J

Olsen, John

1914 - 1915 Close, George

1914 - 1932 Love, George

1915 Neary, John

1915 - 1919 Jones, Frank

1915 - 1922 Young, Charles

1915 - 1926 Dixon, Adam

1916 - 1921 Patterson, John

1916 - 1931 Hooligan, William

1920 Johnston, Frederick

1921 McDonald, Colin

1922 - 1929 Olsen, Joseph

1922 - 1932 Bennett, William


Harper & Co Ltd, Robert (E Wilson, manager), merchants (temporary premises)

Devine, John

1924 Avard, Martin

1925 - 1927 Elder, Smith & Co Ltd (merchandise department)

1926 Foley, James

1928 - 1930 Gadsden Pty Ltd, J (bulk store)

1928 - 1932 Kelly, Daniel

1930 Wills, August

1931 - 1932

Sadlier, R C (bulk store)

Jones, W

Munro, J

Owen, W S

1935 - 1937 Esperance Salt Coy

1939 - 1944 Fremantle Bag Co. Bag & Sack Merchants, (upstairs) WA Wool Merchants Association

1945 - 1949 Department of the Navy

ND4 - 44 Cliff Street

ND4. Tannock Hall of Education  

On corner of Cliff and Croke Streets, Lots 25 and 26 were originally owned by:

Lot 25: Rogers, W S Lot 26: Dod Philip H (1829-1837), then Lot 25: Croft, F Lot 26: Walters, R.C. (1855-1859), then Lot 25: Croft, F Lot 26: Brown, W (1876), Lot 25: Croft, F Lot 26: Thompson, G (1877-1879)

The Grand Pier Hotel once stood here. The two storey Victorian building had a bullnose verandah and elaborate lace work on the upper story. It was opened in 1873 and was licensed until its demolition in 1955.

1876: W. Brown was charged that he being the holder of a publican's license did on Sunday the 11th June last, illegally sell liquor contrary to the statute… It is very extraordinary that the house being close to both police stations should have escaped the attention of the police, but we have the admission of both witnesses that they got drink during prohibited hours-the evidence appears to me very clear and it is my painful duty to fine the defendant £50… (reference)

17th July, 1876 ‘‘Pier Hotel Fremantle. Notice. The undersigned having taken over this business from Mr. Wm. Brown, begs to inform his friends and the public generally that his Hotel accommodation is now replete with every comfort; that his wines, spirits, and beer, are of the best brands, that his ‘Bar’ is much improved to meet the requirements of his numerous friends and visitors, and he trusts by the exercise of due attention to secure their undivided patronage.” P. CAESAR (reference)

Dec 1877 An action also was brought by Mr. A. Francisco, the proprietor of the Pier Hotel, Fremantle, to recover damages (100 Pounds) from the defendant, Mr. Caesar, the landlord of the Emerald Isle hotel, in consequence of false representations alleged to have been made by the latter with respect to the quality of a quantity of beer purchased by the plaintiff from the defendant, in taking over the stock in trade of the defendant, among the liquors were sixteen hogsheads of beer which the defendant assured the valuators was of good quality; it was afterwards found to be unsound and unfit for sale. The Chief Justice designated the article as "poisonous stuff," and gave a verdict for the plaintiff. (reference)

1878: Mr. Arnott Francisco, of the "Pier" hotel, Fremantle, has been robbed of £360 in notes and silver, the thief having obtained possession of the booty by entering the landlord's bedroom. (reference)


1873 (Grand) Pier Hotel

1873- 1876 William Brown

1876- 1977 P. Caesar

1877- 1878 Arnott Francisco

1897 - 1899 Rosser A

1900 - 1901 Flindell G S

1902 - 1907 Waugh C

1908 Gorman Thomas

1909 - 1910 Valmadre A

1911 Inglis S

1912 - 1915 Mrs L Hearman / Pier Hotel Picture Gardens

1916 - 1918 J Brydon

1919 Mrs Euphemia Slater

1920 Mrs Ethel M Harrison

1921 W C Kennedy

1922 vacant 

Tannock Hall, designed by Marcus Collins and built by Notre Dame in 2010 and named for the first Vice Chancellor Peter Tannock.

In early December 1992, at the request of Archbishop Hickey and the Board of Governors, Dr Peter Tannock accepted appointment as the University’s second Vice Chancellor. He took over from Professor Link, who returned that month to NDUS following the University’s first very modest graduation ceremony in the Fremantle Town Hall. Dr Tannock commenced duties immediately, having resigned as the first Deputy Chancellor of the University, Chairman of the Catholic Education Commission and Director of Catholic Education in Western Australia, to take up the position. Reference: The Founding and Establishment of Notre Dame, 1986-2014 by Peter Tannock 2014 (reference)

Elder Shenton & Co Building

Elder Shenton & Co Building, 37-45 Cliff St, Herald Newspaper office

Architect J.J. Talbot Hobbs (1903)

Architecture This two storey rendered, truncated building with parapet, straddles the corner of Cliff St and Croke Lane. The building has zero setback from the pavement. Cliff Street façade has engaged pilasters and an ashlar effect on the ground floor and arched timber sash windows. The first floor has slightly arched windows with stucco above and a string course. The parapet is corniced. The Croke Lane façade features a decorative stucco arch over the drive through entrance on the ground floor; the windows are multi-paned casement with multi-paned transom lights.

History: Lot 11 and 12 were originally owned by Dan Scott (1829- 1859) and Mrs D Scott (1876-1880). Records reveal a number of buildings located on both lots from 1868, when the Fremantle Literary Institute amalgamated with the Working Men's Association and was housed in a small building at the corner of Cliff and Dalgety (now Croke Lane) streets. George Shenton was the owner from 1881- with a warehouse and office on lot 11, and buildings on lot 12: a cottage, 2 warehouses, and offices.

In 1896, a new two storey building running the length of lot 11, with a distinctive facade was erected. A warehouse was erected for Elder Shenton and Co to the designs of J. Talbot Hobbs, for the sum of £1, 326, and completed in 1903. The upper part of the facade of the building was removed c. 1925 and four separate buildings on the site were amalgamated.

The building was renovated in 1957 by Frank Manford to a specification by Allen & Nicholas Architects. Currently (41) Cliff Street houses the ‘Fremantle Herald’ office.

1898 Spirit merchant Mr Geoge Shenton (reference)
Advertising: steamship owners William Howard Smith and Sons (reference)

That Greer's O.V.H. Whisky is the best in the market goes without saying, judging by its consumption, which is the largest of any brand of whisky in the colony. The sole wholesale agents for W.A. are Messrs. G. H. Adam and Co., Cliff-street, Fremantle. (reference

The W.A.T.C. having dismissed the protest entered by the owner of Wilfred against Queen's Toast, who won the Handicap Hurdles at the Fremantle Jockey Club's races on the 11th, holders of totalisator tickets on Queen's Toast can obtain a dividend of about 41s. at the office of Messrs. Payne and Humble, Cliff-street, Fremantle. (reference)


1897 - 1902 (41) Shenton George, merchant, shipping agent, importer of wines & spirits(1897: P. & O. Steam Navigation Co.; 1897-1898: shipping agent)

1897 - 1915 Nobel’s Explosives Co, Glasgow


Adams & co. (G. H.), manufacturers' agents, wine & spirit, indent & general merchants

Payne & Humble, customs agents

Laurie, Robert, customs agent & stevedore

Henrique, F, A, mercantile broker

McCulloch Carrying Co, Limited (William O J Doherty, manager), carriers

Gibbs, George G, customs, shipping & estate agent

1898 - 1900 Smith & Sons Limited (William Howard) (1898: C. M. Newman, manager), steamship owners & coal importers


(41) Fremantle Produce & Gne. Auctioneering Co., A Maxwell, manager

Cohen, E, accountant

1904 - 1909 Firth & Sons Thomas, steel manufacturers, Sheffield (Elder, Shenton & Co. agents)

1904 - 1918 (45) Elder, Shenton & Co. Ltd. merchants, importers & shipping, stock & station & general commission agents

1904 - 1931 (41) Calthrop Bros, general importers, produce merchants &c.

1905 - 1918 Palatine Insurance Co Ltd (Elder, Shenton & Co Ld. agents)

1907 - 1909 Australian Alliance Assurance Co. (W H Evans, representative)

1910 - 1915

Government Stores Department, James Macgregor, in charge

Harbour Master's office (Capt. C. J. Irvine, harbour master; George J Sinclair, secretary navigation department; Capt. Thomas. W. Smith, shipping master)(1915 Alexander C Butcher, State engineer surveyor)

1911 - 1938

(35-37) Samson & Son (L.), wine & spirit merchants wholesale, & grocers wholesale Sun Insurance Office Ltd., Lionel Samson & Son, chief agents

1915 Union Marine Insurance Co. Ltd. Elder, Shenton & Co. agents

1919 - 1920

(45) Elder, Smith & Co Limited, merchants, wool & produce brokers, shipping, live stock and land salesman

Llyods, London (Elder, Smith & Co Ltd, agents)

1921 - 1926

(45) Kreglinger & Fernau Ltd, wool brokers (Edmond Antoine, manager)

Swan Wool Scouring Co of WA Ltd (C W Morgan, secretary)

1921 - 1927 (45) Swan Wool Scouring Co of WA Ltd (1921-1926: C W Morgan, secretary; 1927: E Antoine, managing director)

1930 - 1938 (45) Currie, Dilion and Co, customs, shipping & forwarding agents

1936 - 1938 (41) Western Star Milling Co. Ltd., store

1938 - 1949 (41) Rex Robertson & Co., wool merchants

1938 - 1942 (37) Stevenson & Holland Ltd., customs, shipping & forwarding agents

1944 - 1945 (37-39) H. M. Naval Establishment Stores


(37-39) Triplett & Sons, engineers

(45) Avery (Australia) Pty. Ltd. (W. & T.), scale makers

Herald officesd at 37 Cliff St

Lilly's Building

Lilly's Building 34-42 Cliff St was designed by architect Herbert Nathaniel Davis and built in 1896.

Architecture Lilly's Buildings is a two storey stone building with rendered façade, bracketed parapet and a zero set back from the pavement. Engaged pilasters (ashlar effect on the ground floor) flank the doors and windows. The timber windows have stucco arches and keystone above transoms, on the ground floor. The first floor has stucco aedicule surrounds (there are alternating triangular and semi circular pediments), above the timber sash windows.

History Lots 23 and 24 were originally owned by W & P Chidlow (1829-1879). There was a stone house on the site as early as 1844. The first Customs House was built on these lots in 1853. A new Custom's House was built in 1903 on Phillimore St, and the old Custom's House became a warehouse (No. 40 Cliff St).

In the 1880s, the site was owned by Capt James Lilly who established a shipping office.

1896 To arrive on or about 31st December, by the Queen Adelaide From KARACHI. 400 EGYPTIAN CAMELS. The finest travellers and weight carried the world. This shipment comprises by far the selection of camels that, so far, have imported to this colony, being short and thick-boned animals, and, specially selected from districts climatic conditions are similar to this colony, will not be aflected by the weather experienced on our Eastern fields during the winter months. The Camels will be on view at the Quarantine Grounds, near Fremantle, during January, and the public are cordily invited to inspect same. JAMES LILLY & CO. (As Agents for Hassa & Mulchand & Co.), Fremantle. (reference)

1898 TRAGEDY AT FREMANTLE. BOY SHOOTS HIMSELF. SENSATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES. A terrible tragedy occurred at North Fremantle last night, when a boy named Henry Mason, aged 16, a clerk employed by McIlwraith, McEacharn, and Co, shot himself. The deceased was a son of Frederick Mason, an old resident of the colony, and one of the wealthiest men in Fremantle, owning the greater portion of the main street and a large number of other properties. For many years Mr. Mason, sen., has been residing at North Fremantle with a woman who was supposed to be his wife and by whom he had five children, Henry Mason being one of them. Great surprise was caused to friends of the family, and a painful scandal was occasioned, when Mr Mason, about a month ago, married Mrs Hillmer, who had been renting a hotel from him, and when it became known that the woman he had lived with so long was not his wife at all. (reference) (divorce of Mr Mason & Mrs Hillmer 5-years later is reported here)

1902 Amongst the passengers by the steamer Paroo, which arrived at Fremantle from the East yesterday, was Mr. Matvson, of the Melbourne staff of M. Glassford Proprietary. Ltd., who has come to relieve Mr. James Murdoch, the local manager, who is leaving in the G.M.S. Barbarossa on a trip to Scotland. (reference

1908- UNWHOLESOME FRUIT. SILBERT AND SHARP SUED. At the Perth Police Court yesterday. before Mr. A. S. Roe, P.M., Silbert and Sharp were charged with having, on Dec ceinber 23, offered for sale six cases of fruit, to wit apples, which were unfit for human consumption and deleterious to human health. (reference

1927 The Institute for Catholic Seamen, established by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, at 36 Cliff-street, Fremantle, was blessed and opened by his Grace Archbishop Clune on Sunday last. (reference)


1921 Mr Joyce takes a trip to Singapore - Fremantle Fragments {By Marcus). Back from a business trip to Singapore, Mr. A. Joyce, of Joyce and Watkins, a big man of broad ideas, Mr. Joyce is a pioneer in the movement to open up trade with the Orient. (reference)

1903 THE SMOKE NUISANCE. The Waterworks Board received a letter from Mcilwraith, McEacharn and Co., Ltd., Fremantle, in which that firm points out that it is quite possible to obviate the smoke nuisance connected with the use of Newcastle coal, at a very trifling cost… 'Science has for some time considered the possibility of abating the smoke nuisance, and, if the report is not exaggerated, a means has at length been discovered which entirely does away with the evil…’ (reference)

1905 The Labor Gov. Renews a Coal Contract - Without calling for competitive tenders within the Commonwealth - Pays Mcilwraith & McEacharn on the Higher Figures - Though the Price of Coal Was Considerably Lower at the Time of the Renewal of the Existing Arrangement. (reference)

1905 Mcilwraith & McEacharn- Information has been received at Fremantle in connection with the new excursion steamer being built in Sydney for Messrs. McIlwraith, McEacharn and Co. for use on the Swan River. Owing to the fact that several new bridges will have to be passed under, special attention has had to be given to the arrangement of the new steamer's funnel and mast. (reference)

The building was bought by the Council in 1973 and then sold in 1977 to Peter Grace and renovated by architect Ric Longley. After public pressure, a covenant was put on the title to ensure the façade was protected and the facade was classified by the National Trust in 1977. It was used as an art gallery for two years.

Nos. 34-36 then became the Cliff Street Gallery and Winery, with a residence upstairs for Grace. The adjacent warehouse (No. 40) was converted to living for Ric Longley. A dental surgery separated the two.


1897-1898 DIAMOND & SON, merchants, customs & forwarding agents.

Cavanagh M. F. & J. C. architects, Mcdowell J. contractor

ROCKLIFFE & CO. (H.), customs & forwarding agents, ironmongers, wine, spirit & general merchants

1897- 1898 MCILWRAITH, MCEACHARN & CO. LIM. steamship owners, coal merchants

First floor:  Rockliffe & Co. (H.), customs, shipping & forwarding agents

BELL'S ASBESTOS W. A. AGENCY LIM. manufacturers & importers of asbestos, packings, lubricants, Yorkshire iron, tools, portable railways, windmills, pumps & co

HARDCASTLE S. H. consulting engineer

Detmold & Co. (William) (Charles M. Hird, manager), manufacturing stationers

BELL & CO. (JAMES), merchants &c./ S.S. Co. (James Bell & Co. Agents) / Australian Alliance Assurance Co. (fire & marine) (Jas.Bell & Co.agts)

Lilly & Co. (James), accountants & shipping agents / Australian United S. Nav. Co. (Jas. Lilly & Co. agents) / Orient Steam Nav. Co. (James Lilly & Co. agents) / Currie & Co.'s (Archibald) Line of Steamers (James Lilly & Co. agents)

1897-1898 Right of way off Cliff St:  Knappstein J. H. produce merchant

Moorehouse & Co. (C. L.), carriers & forwarding agents

Rosser A. Gra. Pier Hotel 


Orr & Forrest, commission agents,

McDowell, J. contractor

Watson Brother, merchants

Ferguson Mephan, consulting engineer

Bell's Asbestos W. A. Agency Lim. mfrs. & importers of asbestos & Hardcastle S. H. consulting engineer. / Bell & Co. (James), merchants

Detmold Limited (William), wholesale & manufacturing stationers

Lilly & Co. (James), accountants & shipping agents

1899 - 1904 (38) New Zealand Insurance Co. (1899-1904: L. Samson & Son, agents; 1904-1905: Irwin M. Moyes, agent)

1897 - 1907 (36) Glassford M. Proprietary Ltd.,  produce merchants, (J Murdoch, manager)

1902 - 1908 (34) Wigmore & Co. H. J., mercantile brokers , Wigmore, Fred E, customs agents

(40) Barrow & Reynolds, grain & produce merchants

South British Fire & Marine Insurance Co. (Frank Cadd, agent)

Cadd Company Ltd. Frank, customs & shipping agents

1902 MYERS & HARDIE, mercantile brokers, insurance & manufacturers' agents & indentors

Ducout Jne. & Co. (sample room)

Tijou, A J, customs agent

Blackwood & Bryson Ltd, merchants & agents

1904 - 1905

(40) Graves & Co. H. carriers &c. (Henry Goodwin, manager)

1904 - 1907 Sewell, C E, barrister & solicitor

1905 Allnut Lea, mercantile broker

1907 (40) Lehmann & Co. C. A., produce & provisions merchants

1907 - 1908 (42) Murphy W. A ., customs & forwarding agent

1908 - 1912 (36) Silbert & Sharp, fruit merchants & produce merchants

1911 (42) Nicholson & Morrow, agricultural implement makers

1915- (34) Elare Gasper

Douglas Roy O, case maker

1915 (42) W.A. Producers' Union Ltd., James Carter, manager

1916 (38) Gasper Elare

1917 (34) Hildyard, Mrs Mary

1918 - 1920 (34) Greenwood, John

1918 - 1920 (42) Waddingham, F, carrier

1920 (40) Marchese, Antoni, Elari, Gaspare

1920 - 1928 (36 and 38) Joyce & Watkins, import and export merchants

1929 (36) McAuliffe, John

1930 - 1935 (38) Mrs Rosa Solomon

1931 - 1934

(42) Indiabus, Mick

(off) Morris & Co. M, marine dealers

1934 - 1938 (40) Larosa Santol

1936 - 1938 (36) Nicola Candatore

1938 - 1940 (34) Italian Club

1938 - 1939 (40) Giangaspro (G.), importer

1938 - 1940 (38) Mr. Nicholas Tattoli (aka. Nicola Tattoll)

1939 - 1940 (36) Mrs Gloria Svirich

1939 - 1942 (40) Salvemini & Co. (M.), importers

1934 - 1938

(off 42) Morris & Co. (M), marine dealers

1938 - 1942 (42) Camba (A.), sail maker

1946 - 1949 (34) The Swan Providoring Co. Ltd., ship providores

1946 - 1949 [40-42] Grayson & Co., shipwrights & repairers

1949 (38) Brice (A. G.), customs agent

1949 (42) Navy Club, club

Lionel Samson Building

Lionel Samson Building, 31 -33 Cliff Street (Lot 9) with Fanny Samson cottage at 35 Cliff St (Lot 10)

History: Lionel Samson came to Western Australia in 1829. He is believed to have been one of the first three people to take up allotments in Fremantle in September 1829. He was granted a spirit merchant’s licence and began to operate a wine, spirit and grocery business in a small cottage. (reference) He returned to England in 1842 to marry, returning with wife, Fanny Levi. They were the first Jewish family in WA and lived in Perth until after the birth of their 6 children, when they moved to Fremantle in 1856. Son, W.F. Samson, took over the company after Lionel’s death in 1878, and the business remained in the family’s hands- on this original site, continuously for nearly 200 years.

A stone building on Lot 9 was demolished in 1891, and a larger office building (Lionel Samson Building 31-33 Cliff Street) was built for the company on the site in 1892 by Sir J. Talbot Hobbs. The cottage, office building and warehouse were burnt in a fire in the 1890s and all were rebuilt. (The fire also engulfed the old Customs Store at No. 40 Cliff Street.) The new building for the Head Offices of Samson Co. was completed in 1898 under the supervision of F. W. Burwell. The façade lettering ‘Established 1829’ refers to the business, not the building itself.

Samson Cottage (35 Cliff Street) was used as a warehouse in the 1870s. After Lionel died, his widow Fanny lived in the house until 1888. The cottage was then leased to a bank, and served as a commercial bank and residence. Samson Cottage was restored in 1978-79 for use as a museum by architect Kim Stirling. Works revealed that the limestone came from Arthur's Head and the bricks were French, used as ballast in sailing ships. An unusual truss system roof, used in some houses at Rottnest Island, was also revealed. A cinema room on the ground floor featured old seats from His Majesty's Theatre, Perth. The renovation received a Fremantle Award.


1898 - 1938 Samson & Son, Lionel (estab 1829) wine & spirit merchants wholesale, & wholesale grocers (1898: government auctioneers; 1928-1935: John H Payne, manager)

1909 - 1938 Sun Insurance Office Limited, Lionel Samson & Son (1909-1929: agents; 1928-1938: chief agents)

1928 - 1929 Watkins, Mrs Agnes A, manager

1938 - 1949 Western Star Milling Co. Ltd., store

McDonald Smith Building

McDonald Smith Building 22-32 Cliff St

Architecture The McDonald Smith Building- designed, as ‘Cliff Street Chambers’, by architect Herbert Nathaniel Davis. It is a two storey rendered building with zero setback from the pavement. The building has a parapet with spheres crowning small-engaged pilasters and decorative pediments. The ground floor façade has arched doors and windows, with stucco above and a single level entrance on the south side; the first floor has sash windows.

History The McDonald Smith Building is built across 2 Lots: Lot 21 was originaly owned by Henry Vincent (1829-1837), transferred to Stockley (1855-1859). A cottage and warehouse were established on Lot 21 from the 1870s.

Lot 22 was retained by Henry Vincent (1829-1859). Both Lots 21 and 22 were then owned by William Vincent (1876-1879). The Vincent Family had a cottage and warehouse on the site in the 1870s and 1880s.

There are relics of a former lime washed and shingled house at the rear of this building. There were minor changes to the warehouse in 1961, 1962 and 1973.


1897 Cliff Street chambers: Thomas W. J. Kiffin, produce mer / STANBURY & SHAW, customs, shipping & forwarding agents.  First floor. HARROLD BROS. (Wm. A. Fraser, manager) , general merchants / Davis & WIlson, architechs / PYNE, TRELOAR & CO. customs, shipping & forwarding agents/ Wood Son & Co. (G.), grocers & importers / SIMONDS & CO. (ERNEST T.), forwarding & customs agents,Coolgardie / Fysh B. manufacturers' agent / Holman, Haines & Co. accountants &c., / Smith Harold E. accountant. & auditor / Atkins & Co. Limited (Charles), oil merchants (lubricating)/ Reuter's Telegram Co. Limited (Harold E. Smith, rep) / South Aust. Ins. Co. Limited (fire & marine) (H. E. Smith, agent) / Torbay, Karri & Jarrah Timber Co. (C. & E.Millar) (H. Teesdale Smith, manager) / Henderson Edgar J. architect / Gilfillan W. D. manufacturers' agent / Peterson & Co. (William), tea merchants (W. D. Gilfillan, rep) / McKenzie & Co. (James F.), importers (W. D. Gilfillan, rep) / CADD FRANK, customs, shipping & forwarding agent / South British Insurance Co. (fire & marine) (Frank Cadd, agent)   Right of way: Fremantle Stevedoring Co. (Capt. John Abbott), stevedores / Knox A. Graham, importer / Imperial Fire Ins. Co. Limited (A. Graham Knox, agent)

1898 Cliff Street Chambers:   Ground Floor: Flindell, Fraser & Co. customs agents / Thomas W. J. Kiflin, produce mer / Glassford, Cooke & Co. Proprietary Lim, (J. Murdoch, Mgr), produce merchants.   First Floor: Haines & Co. (O. L.), customs, shipping and forwarding agents / Moorhouse & Co. (O.L.), customs, shipping & forwarding agents / Webster William, marine surveyor / Wigmore F. E. customs agent / Wigmore H. J. commision agent / Crossland C. contractor / Guilfoyle William, customs agent / Calthrop Bros, mercantile brokers / Knox H. R. customs & forwarding agent / Doeling F. mercantile broker / Gilfillan W. D. agent for Wood Dunn & Co, Lim, produce merchants, Melbourne / Yeates & Co. customs & forwarding agents / Cadd Frank, customs, shipping & forwarding agent.    Off Cliff-street:  Fremantle Stevedoring Co. (Capt. John Abbot), stevedores

1904 - 1905 (30) Haywood F. M. customs agent / (32) Macfarlane & Co. Jas. provision merchants

1907 - 1911 (30) Gruer David J. customs & forwdg. agent

1912 - 1917 (32) Gruer Dav. J. customs. & forwarding agent

1909 (28) Adams & Co. (G. H), wine, spirit & gen. Importers

1912 - 1920 (24) Millars' Timber & Trading Co. Ltd. (H F Briggs, Mgr)

1915 (30) Davey Jas. Carrier

1917 - 1920 (28) O'Sullivan Jno. J. lime & stone merchants / Gruer, Dav J,. Customs & for agt

1931 - 1937 (32) Lanzar, Salvatore

1931 - 1932 (28) Lester, Mrs A, carrier / O'Sullivan, Jno J, lime & stone merchant

1936 - 1938 (24) Daly Bros., carriers/ (28) Lester (Mrs A.), carrier

1938 - 1943 (26) Nicola Candatore (Pres. Blessding of the Fleet c’mittee)

1938 - 1940 (off 32) Morris & Co. (M.), marine dealers

1941 - 1943 (28) Marchesi, Mrs. A.Corieri, Anopus

1940 - 1943 (off 32) Rodriguez & Lee, wool merchants

1941 - 1943 (30-32) Farindo, Cosmo

1944 (32) Lee (Eric E.), wool merchant

1946 - 1947 (20-32) Department of Navy

1949 (20-22) Rutland (R. A.), electrician & refrigerator engineers / (28) Sherborne (F. J.), customs agents

The buildings were also owned by Captain Lilly, and then J.E. McDonald and Smith from 1961 until the 1970s and then Tompkins and Company as a general store.

Liebler Facade

Reckitt & Colman Building, Facade / Liebler Building

21-29 Cliff St

Architecture Single storey façade only intact, has a zero setback from the pavement. The façade features arched openings (blocked) from engaged pilasters and a decorative parapet with highly decorative pediments.

History The Liebler Building façade is part of former buildings of Lionel Samson and Co, the oldest existing firm of merchants in the state. Lots 7 and 8 Cliff St were owned by John Lewis in 1880, as mixed commercial and residential use. New owners in 1881 were Mason and Liebler, with a residential house on Lot 8 and a shop on Lot 7. In 1882 the ownership changed to Mason and Samson and then in 1890 to Elias Solomon and Lionel Samson. At some time between 1890 and 1895 a facade was constructed in front of stone cottages on the site. The cottages were demolished in 1967 but the facade was retained- due to two Fremantle identities: Alec Smith, then owner of the Fremantle Hotel, and the cartoonist Paul Rigby (reference). The facade was classified by the National Trust in 1974. In 1980 the southern wing of the facade was demolished. In 2018 it was renovated, with the doors and windows openings restored. The site behind the facade is a now car park.

2017- High Tide Festival Fremantle- Artist Zora Kreuzer’s Arcade is deceptively simple. Appropriating the façade of the old Liebler Building she has chosen a palette of fluoro hues to paint to create a rainbow spectrum of spaces in the former arched window cavities. Not only do they re-energise the building but instantly she has created a photo booth for the thousands of visitors streaming through the historic site. (reference)


Licensing Courts article mentions William. F. Samson of Cliff street, Fremantle being granted a renewal for a gallon license. (reference

Wanted, general servant.  Must be a good cook, light work , AM Josephson, Cliff street Fremantle. (reference)



… At the Queen’s bond, Messrs Lionel Samson and Son will sell cigars, tobacco, furniture and personal effects, in Cliff street, Fremantle. (reference)


1829 - 1837 Lot 8: Lewis, Richard

1855 - 1859 Lot 8: Lewis

1876 - 1879 Lot 8: Lewis, John


A.M. Josephson, pearl merchant, [Right of way]  Willshire, R J, commission merchant

1897 - 1898

Harper & Co. (ROBERT), importers, manufacturers & Eastern produce merchants & co. agents. for MELBOURNE CHILLED BUTTER & PRODUCE CO. and Colonial Sugar Refining Co.

Bank of New South Wales (E A Cameron, manager)

1897 - 1900 Fowler D & J (1898: G. C. Knight, managing director), merchants (1900: merchants and shipping agents) agents for North China Insurance Company (1900)

1897 - 1903 Preston & Company (H. J.) (1897: wine, spirit & general merchants, indenting & commission agents; 1900-1903: manufacturers' agents & importers)

1897 - 1905 William Frederick Samson, Lionel Samson & sons, agents (1902-1905: Sun Insurance Office (London), wine & spirit merchants, wholesale grocers and government auctioneers

1899 Laurie, Robert (custom agents and stevedore)

1899 - 1900 New Zealand Insurance Company

1899 - 1901

Shenton, George, merchant shipping agent & importer of wines & spirits

Smith and Sons Pty Ltd, (William Howard) steamship owners & coal importers

1899 - 1905 Nobel's Explosives Company Limited (1899 - 1901: George Shenton, agents)

1900 - 1903

Harper & Company Pty Ltd (Robert) importers, manufacturers

Melbourne Steamship Company Limited (H R Reid, manager for WA)


Mail Steamers Agency Ltd, (Charles Crewe, secretary )

Longbottom, Percival, estate agent

Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation and Company Ltd (George Shenton, agent)

1901 - 1902

Thomas Horace P, shipping and insurance agent for Royal Insurance Company

Thomas Cook and Son, tourist agents

1901 - 1904 (no 25) John Stewart and company, produce merchant (1904: produce, merchants and mercantile agents)

1904 Goddard (H.A.), C J Ellershaw and company representatives

1904 - 1905

Calthorp Bros., general importers, produce merchants

Elder, Shenton and Company, merchants, importers & shipping, stock & station & general, commission agents

Firth and Sons Thomas, steel manufacturers


Stewart & McDonald, produce merchants & mercantile agents

Lewis, Albert, mercantile agent

Barrow & Reynolds, produce merchants

Palatine Insurance Company Ltd, Elder, Shenton and Co Ltd, agents

Sheffield (Elder, Shenton and Company), agents

1904 - 1949 (23) ELLERSHAW & Co. Pty. Ltd. (C. J.), customs, shipping, forwarding, indent and manufacturers' agents

1909 - 1927 (25) McBean & Deason, commercial & shipping agents, bulk stores

1918 - 1920 (29) Evans & Co, George, ship chandlers

1919 - 1920 (27) Lester, J H, customs agent and carrier

1921 - 1922 (29) Drew, Robinson & Co (bulk store)

1924 - 1934 (29) Barnes Herbert, carrier

1928 - 1935 (25) Bunyip Soap Co. Ltd.

1934 - 1936 (29) Daly Bros, carriers

1936 - 1937 (27) Cook (Lionel S.), wool buyer

1935 - 1946 (27) Sadliers Ltd R C, customs agents

1936 - 1938 (25) Payne (John H.) bus manager

1937 - 1946 (29) Sadleir Angora Yarns Ltd., knitting depot, woollen yarn manufacturers

1947 (23-29) ELLERSHAW & Co. Pty. Ltd. (C. J.), customs, shipping, forwarding, indent and manufacturers' agents

1949 (25) Reckitt & Coleman (Australia) Ltd., blue manufacturers, mustard manufacturers & starch manufacturers

18 Cliff Street

18 Cliff Street

In 1950 the Italian community in Fremantle, under Father P. Abramo from St. Patrick’s Church, organised the first festa della Madonna dei Martiri. The first committee formed in 1946 included President Nicolo Cantatore, Secretary; Michaele Servillo and Ignazio de Bari. Lucrezia Servillo also served on the Women’s committee alongside her sister Susanne de Bari.

Sept 1950 More than 5,000 persons witnessed at Fremantle yesterday a colourful ceremony, held in Australia for the first time. It was the occasion of the festa della Madonna del Martiri--the fisherman's day of the year, when the fishing fleet receives a special blessing. This was the culminating ceremony of nine days of special preparations and prayers by Fremantle fishermen. Expense was not spared to ensure that their first festavil day in Australia would be a success…(reference)

1950 The committee men and women for 1950 of Our Lady of Martyrs, wish to extend their grateful thanks to:  the commissioner of police and members of the force who assisted with the marshalling of the crowd to the Brothers and Members of the Clontarf Band, to the Sisters who trained the Children’s choir and to all who donated flowers and candles during the week.  M Servillo, Secretary, 18 Cliff Street, Fremantle.   (reference)

1952 Death: On Aug, 30 at the residence of his son-in-law, 18 Cliff-street, Fremantle, Leonardo Turtur, dearly loved husband of Benedetta Turtur, of 17 Attfeld-street, Fremantle, loved father of Lucrezia (Mrs. M. Servillo), Carlo, Susanna (Mrs. I. De Barie) and the late Luigi, father-in-law of Michele, Isabella, Ignazio and Antonette, fond grandfather of Gennaro, Leo, Luigi, Benedetta, Angela, Johnny, Angelo, Leo, Michele, Benedetta, Angela, Leo and Lucy, and great-grandfather of Vincey and Antonette; aged 81 years.(reference)


Originaly Lot 20 was owned by R Maydwell (1829-1837), transferred to Stockley (1855-1859), transferred to R King & Son (1876-1878)

During the 1880s merchant William S. Loton (from 1885 was known as Padbury, Loton and Co) was listed in the rate books as the owner of Lot 20 Cliff Street.

During WWII the premises were used by the US Navy.

1949 [18] Servillo, Mick / [18a] and brother in law De Bari, Ignazio

The current building appears to have been constructed in 1952 and owner/occupants were Michelle Servillo (No. 18) and Ignazio De Bari. The residences remained in these names until 1964-1968 when Ignazio died and Susanna De Bari inherited his half.

18 Cliff Street remained in the Servillo family until 2006.

Wilhelmsen House

Wilhelmsen House, Barwil House, Dalgety & Co, Elder Building


Wilhelmsen House was designed by J.J. Talbot Hobbs, a prominent Perth architect and is associated with the 1890s gold rush and the opening of the Harbour. It is significant for:

  • its aesthetic qualities- imparted by its stone and rendered facades worked in classical details balanced about the domed tower and for the rich decoration of its interior spaces with a fine staircase under a domed roof-light and dark stained timber paneling.

  • its landmark qualities being the visual closure at the west end of the triangular space formed by the widening of Phillimore Street as it approaches Mouat Street.

    the focal point of the vista west along Phillimore Street flanked with complimenting facades of the predominantly nineteenth century buildings.


1897 - 1899 Article mentions Adelaide Steamship Co. of Cliff street, Fremantle participating in Fremantle’s Children’s Day celebrations (reference)

Article mentions an application to build the Melville Park Hotel (old Majestic Hotel) supported by W. E. Moxon, Manager at the Adelaide Steamship Company. (reference)

1900 Advertising:  North-West Mail Service. For freight or passage apply to:  Emanuel Forrest and Co, Sub-agents or W.E. Moxon, manager for W.A. Cliff street Fremantle. (reference)

The second contingent:  The Westralian Unit mentions R. Harper and Co of Cliff street Fremantle, donating a chest of tea and biscuits. (reference)

Fremantle has fully determined to celebrate the foundation of the Commonwealth.  Various committees of citizens have been working assiduously towards this day.  

Advertising page:  Fremantle horticultural society desire to return thanks to the following ladies and gentlemen for the assistance rendered at the chrysanthemum show including D and J Fowler of Cliff street, Fremantle. (reference)

The Deaf and Dumb Institution desires to acknowledge with thanks the following people who contributed in Fremantle in support of the institution  — including H.J. Preston of Cliff street, Fremantle. (reference)

Advertising:  Nestle’s milk food.  Is a complete diet for infants.  It builds up a robust constitution and is recommended by the medical faculty throughout the world.  H.J. Preston and Co, Agents. (reference)

Advertising:  for freight or passage, apply HG Barker and Co, Agents or Melbourne Steamship Co. Limited, Cliff street, Fremantle. (reference)

Fremantle merchants have made a generous response to contribute medical and other comforts for our boys who are going to the front in the Surrey next week.  The dull monotony of life at sea will be relieved by plenty of drills but thanks to the liberality of the undermentioned, our men will be enabled to live a little better than under ordinary circumstances.  They will have plenty of hardships to endure after they get to South Africa.  An up to date list includes: Burns, Philp and Co. Ltd - a case of beer. (reference)

1901 - 1902 (See Advertising image) MESSAGERIES MARITIMES. FREMANTLE TO LONDON, Via Colombo, Marseilles, and Paris. F.M.S. ARMAND BEHIC, Commander, N. Coispellier, application to Dalgety and Company Ltd.,  Cliff street, Fremantle.  (reference)

June 1902 Messrs. Dalgety and Co. have out-grown the limits of their central offices in the state and will move into a new centre.  The new offices are situated at the corner of Cliff and Phillimore street, Fremantle.   The warehouse, which has frontages to the railway, High-street, and to Phillimore-street, has some 30,000 ft. of floors pace and is a model of convenience. The floors are of jarrah, 2 in. thick, laid on joists 12 in. x 4in., of the same material. Sliding doors open to the railway siding, and the warehouse is well lighted by large windows in both flank walls… (reference)

1903 - 1905 The Fremantle Harbor Trust commissioners have issued a neatly printed and elaborately prepared copy of the regulations framed under the Harbor Trust Act, with a most comprehensive index like book will be extremely useful to all having business at the port and copies may be obtained on application at the commissioners offices, Dalgety’s buildings, Cliff street, Fremantle. (reference)

Advertising: Passage to London.  Full particulars on application to J.M. Mare, Agents.  Branch office, Dalgety’s Buildings, Cliff street, Fremantle. (reference)

1903 At the beginning of the year the control of the Fremantle harbor, agreeably to Act of Parliament, was delegated to a Trust of five Commissioners nominated by the Government or, more accurately, by the Colonial Secretary. The Trust was composed of Captain Laurie, MLC (chairman), Mr. A. Leeds (Fremantle manager for Dalgety and Co.), Alfred Sandover (of W. Sandover and Co.), Mr. W. Hudson (insurance agent}, and Mr. T. Coombe (of Coombe, Wood and Co. ) Their duties were generally to administer the harbor… (reference)

1903 The P and O. Co.'s offices at Fremantle will at the end of this week be removed to Dalgety's Buildings, in Cliff-street, one of the specially designed suites at the entrance having been secured. Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company stated in their last annual report that they had a net surplus for the last year. (reference)

Francis Maitland Wyborn Parker able to practice as a Legal Practitioner, of Dalgety’s Buildings, Fremantle. (reference

1903 The Fremantle Harbor Trust Commissioners have issued a neatly printed and elaborately prepared copy of the regulations framed under the Harbor Trust Act, with a most comprehensive index, the book will be extremely useful to all having business at the port, and copies may be obtained on application at the commissioners' offices, Dalgety's - buildings, Cliff-street.

On the board of management for the Fremantle Technical and evening classes was held at the Boy’s school on Friday evening. Amongst those who were present include A D Rankin. (reference)

Advertising: For sale. The Norwegian Barque LALLA, as she now lies at Fremantle, with all gear and equipment on board. Has a good boiler with steam winch and steam pump. Spars, rigging, sails all in first class condition. Vessel had a thorough overhaul and coppered June 1902.  Apply to R.E. Arundel, Fremantle. (reference)

Advertising: The Fremantle Harbor Trust. Secretary F.W.B. Stevens. (reference)

Advertising: Office boy wanted for stamp desk. Apply to Brown and Dureau, Cliff street, Fremantle. (reference)

Advertising: Boy wanted, smart and intelligent.  McKenzie and Chisholm, Printers, Cliff street Fremantle. (reference)

1906 Advertising: Contractor tenders, apply to Ronald. G. Oldham (Architect and Sworn Valuator), Cliff street Fremantle. (reference)

1907 Advertising: Melbourne Steamship company, Cliff street, Fremantle. (mentions - Dalgety & Co. Ltd. Albany / Maughan & Gurner, Kalgoorlie / Barnett & Co. Hopetoun). (reference)


Lot owners 3 & 4:

1829 - 1837 (3) Lamb, W

1855 (3)Scott, D / (4) Scott, D

1856 - 1859 (3) Homfray, R R / (4) Scott, D

1876 - 1879 (3) Shenton, G / (4) Scott, Mrs. Dan

1897 Samson, William Fk

1897 - 1899 Coolgardie Grimbly, Samuel, painter

1897 - 1900 Adelaide Steamship Co. Limited (The) (W E Moxon, manager in W.A.)

1897 - 1911 Union Bank of Australia Limited (1897: Jocelyn B Percy, manager; C J A Norie, accountant)

1898 - 1899 Grimbly Mrs. Maria, laundry


Forrest Emanuel & Co., stock & station agents

Harris Bros, produce merchants

19 Samson, William F (L. S. & Son)

HARPER & CO. PROPRIETARY LIMITED (ROBERT), importers, manufacturers & Eastern products

FOWLER LIM. (D. & J.), merchants & shipping agents

North China Insurance Co. D. & J. Fowler Limited, agents

PRESTON & CO. (H. J.) (estab. 1187), manufacturers' agents & importers

MELBOURNE STEAMSHIP CO. LIMITED (H. R. Reid, manager for W. A.; Burns Philp & Co. Ltd. agents, Geraldton / Robert Forrest, agent, Bunbury)

1901 - 1938 DALGETY & COMPANY LTD. merchants, shipping agents & c. (1901-1905: A G Leeds, manager; 1907-1911 Tom Carter, manager; 1915: A G Leeds, general manager; 1917-1920: Tom Carter, manager; 1925 Tom Carter, manager)

1903 - 1904 McKenzie & Chisholm, printers

1903 - 1905

H. G. Barker & Co, agents

Diamond Arthur J. customs, forwarding & merchants agent

Parker, F M W, solicitor

Frossard Levic & Co, cigar importers

Rankin, A D, accountant

Trade Auxiliary & Land Agency

A Anderton-Gledhill, manager

Fremantle Harbour Trust

F W B Stevens, secretary

1903 - 1906 Brown & Dureau, mercantile brokers

1903 - 1910

Burns Philp & Co. Ltd., agents

Robert Forrest, agent

1903 - 1911

MELBOURNE STEAMSHIP CO. LIMITED  (1903-1905: A M Reid, manager for W.A.; 1906-1908: D York Syme, junior manager for W.A.; 1909-1911: A. W. Leonard, manager for W.A.)

PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. (1903-1910: J M Mare, agent; 1911: L Plummer, agent)

1903 - 1949 Laurie, Capt. Robert, stevedore(1921-1949: Laurie & Co. Ltd.)

1903 - 1937 Arundel, Capt. R E (1903-1905: marine surveyor; 1912-1937: Lloyds' surveyor; 1915-1918: agent)

1903 - 1942 Dalgety's buildings


[1F] Paterson & Co. (John Hector, manager) product auctions

Oldham, Ronald G, architect

1906 - 1910

Dalgety & Co. Ltd. Albany

Maughan & Gurner, Kalgoorlie


Barnett & Co. Hopetoun

Ld. (H F Briggs, manager)

Millars' Karri & Jarrah Co. (1902)

1907 - 1910 F J Daw, Esperance & F J Daw, Ravensthorpe

1909 Oliphant A M, shipping supply agent

1909 - 1910 [1F] Rankin, Morrison & Co, accountants

1910 - 1911

PHOENIX ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (Dalgety & Co. Ltd, agents)

Dalgety & Co. Ltd, wool stores

1911 Hudson, A W, caretaker

1912 - 1934

Netherlands Consulate (Sir Edward Wittenoom, acting Consulate)

North & Co, R. P., customs & forwarding agents

5 Cook and Sons, Thomas, tourists agents

Craig, F, electrical contractor

1912 - 1935 Union Castle Line

1912 - 1936 WAS Navigation Co Ltd & Ocean Steamship Co United Service

1912 - 1938

White Star Line S S (1936-1938: Cunard-White Star Line Ocean Steamship Co Ltd)

Messageries Maritimes

Huddart Parker & Co Pty Ltd

Ocean S Shipping Co, Matson Line

1912 - 1941

Dewez & Co Pty Ltd, wool & skin brokers

Wool & produce, brokers, exchange

Baker, Beverley, caretaker

1912 - 1942

Millars Timber and Trading Co. Ltd. (1940-1942: shipping office)

Sinclair, Capt R J, surveyor

[11-12] Commonwealth Health Dept Quarantine Office (1912-1934: Dr Dowling; 1934-1936: Dr Moore, G H; 1936-1941: Dr Redshaw, G M)

1912 - 1949 Elder Smith and Co (store)

1915 - 1917


Hendry, John, caretaker

1915 - 1920

MELBOURNE STEAMSHIP CO. LIMITED  A. W. Leonards, manager for W.A.

Dalgety & Co. Ltd. wool department

1917 - 1918 Nettlebeck, J M O, produce merchant

1917 - 1920 Commonwealth Lighthouse Service, Capt J J Airey, district officer

1918 - 1919 Gadd, Thomas W, caretaker

1920 Ellice, William Charles, caretaker

1920 - 1938 Aberdeen Line S Ships

1925 Mercantile & Marine Office (Capt J J Airey, superintendent; R E Jarmen, department superintendent)

1925 - 1927

Commonwealth Navigation Service (1925: Capt. J J Airey, department director; 1927: Capt J J Airey, superintendent; R E Jarmen, department superintendent)

Commonwealth Savings Bank (Seamen's receiving Office)

1935 - 1938 Shaw, Savill & Albion Co Ltd

1935 - 1941 Davies W G, shipping & engineering surveyor to Lloyds (1938-1940: shipping & engineering surveyor to "Lloyd's Registry", & consulting engineer)

1937 - 1938 Dew & Co Pty Ltd, wool & skin brokers

1938 - 1941 Sanderson & Co. (John), wool buyers

1940 - 1941 Beaumont & Son (T. S.), wool sample room

1940 - 1946

Naval Sea Transport

Naval Control Staff

Naval Exam Service Offices

1941 - 1942 Gallus (Charles), caretaker

1942 - 1946 Department of the Navy (offices)

1947 - 1949 Elder’s Buildings

1947 - 1949

Australian Wool Realisation Commission, W.A. office

[1F] Woods & Coy (Alan), wool brokers

Bland (H. W.), wool broker

American Subscription Agency Corp., magazine agents

1949 Australian Pacific Traders Pty. Ltd., shipping agents & merchants

Hotel Fremantle

Hotel Fremantle, Corner High and Cliff Streets, Notre Dame University ND 42- Arts, Sciences and Business

Originally Lot 18 (corner Cliff and High sts) was owned by William Lamb (1829 - 1837), transferred to R M (Broun?) Brown (1855 - 1878), and transferred to William Dalgety Moore (1879-) A residence at the rear was built for Moore in 1885.

Hotel Fremantle was designed by Wilkinson and Smith and built in 1897/98 for Bacon Forrest Co. It opened on 1 October 1898. (reference)

1899 Conference with lumpers union representatives.  A meeting of merchants of Fremantle and Perth was held at the Hotel Fremantle, Cliff-street, to confer with representatives from the union as to the best means of releasing perishable goods from the vessels owned by companies affected by the strike. (reference)

1906 Hotel Fremantle- Most Conveniently Situated Hostelry in Fremantle to Railway Station and all Wharves… Mrs. E. C. Griffin, late of the Hotel Australia, having taken over the above splendidly appointed Hotel, has had the interior of the whole premises thoroughly renovated and redecorated, together with extensive replenishing arrangements. The bedrooms are commodious, lofty, and thoroughly ventilated. Excellent Cuisine. Tariff Moderate. (reference)

Hotel Fremantle also held an office/storage at 8 Cliff St from 1920-1938

2006 Shane Burke conducted two archaeological excavations during 2006 at the Fremantle Hotel site… The first excavation, done near the front bar… determined that the limestone foundation found after floorboard removal was the remains of the wall of the house that originally faced Cliff Street occupied by the lot’s previous owner William Dalgety Moore. Further research suggests that the wall’s construction occurred in 1885 when Moore extended his residence. The foundations remained preserved despite the demolition of a section of Moore’s house in 1898 and the subsequent erection of the Hotel Fremantle facade along the Cliff and High Street the same year. The excavation unearthed a surface layer containing objects associated with hotel use like corks, lead bottle seals, newspapers and beer and wine bottle glass. Under this surface layer, the soil darkened considerably, with very dark grey sand occurring. The dark grey sand contained a few artefacts like fragmented ceramics, black bottle glass and an 1887 English penny.

Burke, Shane 2007, 'Fremantle's hidden history', Fremantle Studies, 5: 63-73. (reference)


Lot owners 17 & 18: 1829 - 1837 (17)Leake, George (18)Lamb, William, 1855 - 1878 Brown, R M B, 1879 Moore, W D

1855 William Dalgety Moore.

1899 Proprietor Alfred Court (reference)

1901 - 1903 Proprietor H Chesterfield

1904 - 1906 Proprietor M J Murphy

1906 - 1920 Proprietor Mrs Elizabeth C. Griffen ( read full story in Notable People section).

1921 - 1924 Proprietor Alexander Cooper

1925 - 1930 Proprietor A D Lindberg, also working there: Mrs E Kenny (1927), Charles Doherty (1928-1929)

1931 - 1949 Proprietor George E Smith, Also working there: Mrs Alice M Payne (1930-1932), Roy Manuel (1935-1936), Thomas Lewis (1936-1939)

1946 Frank J Murphy (accountant)

During WW2 the hotel was set up as a hospital and operating theatre.

1987 Used as headquarters for the New Zealand Team, Americas Cup Defence

Now used by Notre Dame University ND 42- Arts, Sciences and Business

Union Bank

5/17 Cliff St / 4 High St, ND32- School of Arts and Sciences and Architecture Studios, 4 High St (was 17)

Lot 5 was originally owned by W. Lamb (1829-1837), then transferred to Dan Scott (1855-1859), and Mrs D. Scott (1876-1878). From 1879 the property was owned by the Union Bank.

1889 Union Bank complete. The work was executed by Messrs. J. Hurst & Sons, Barrack-street, Perth, from plans, prepared by Messrs. Inskip and Robertson, architects of Melbourne. (reference

1916 - 1924 In part of 17 High Street - George Willis made high quality canvas products. (reference

1925 - 1931 17 High Street - Sail maker Alex Hood takes over the business. (reference)

1925 In the Fremantle Police Court yesterday- Arthur Kibble, John Curran, Robert Matthews, Thomas Duggan, Richard Williams, John Prange, Frank Molyneux, and George Lancaster were charged with having been found on the premises of a common gaming house at 17 High-street, Fremantle, on July 11, without lawful excuse. A plea of guilty was entered in each case. Matthews was fined £2 and the others were fined £1 each. Matthews had been fined previously for a similar offence. (reference)

In 1930 the Union Bank moved further down High St.

In early 1931 the Reverend John Wilfred Clift (read bio) set up the Port of Fremantle Mission to Seamen Institute. He borrowed £2000 to purchase the Union Bank building on the corner of High and Cliff Streets. Within a few months this magnificent building was refurbished to function as a Mission to Seamen institute. A main hall, billiards room and reading room were constructed. Billiards competitions between ships’ crews became very popular. (reference)

1938 In the presence of a large gathering, the Mariners' Chapel of St. Andrew at the Missions to Seamen (Flying Angel) Institute, Fremantle, was dedicated yesterday afternoon by the Primate of Australia (Dr HP Le Pann). (reference)

During 1939 the new chapel conducted services for 1,135 people and the mission was visited by 8,804 sailors. (reference)

In 1944 a building was purchased in Queen Victoria Street and this developed into the modern Flying Angel Club which exists for all seafarers today. In 1966 the Seafarers’ Mission abandoned the premises in Cliff Street, deconsecrated the chapel, and moved the whole operation to new purpose-built premises in Queen Victoria Street. Read Reverend Cliff’s biography here (link)


Lot 5 owners: 1829 - 1837 Lamb, W, 1855 - 1878 Scott, D, 1879 Union Bank

1897 - 1929 UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED. (Established 1837)

(1897: Ellot, Lewis & Fowler, Alpin W & J B Percy, manager), (1898: Chamberlain, Charles & Fowler, Alpin W), (1899: Chamberlain, Charles), (1898-1902: G. Gordon, manager), (1903-1924: C W Brebner, manager),(1925-1929: W H Butler, manager)

1916 - 1924 In part of 17 High Street - George Willis canvas products. (reference

1925 - 1931 - Sail maker Alex Hood. (reference)

1930 vacant

1931 - 1949 Missions to Seamen Institute

(1931-1935: Reverend J W Clift, chaplain), (1936-1938: W S Henderson, resupt.)

Union Bank.PNG

Atlas Chambers

6 Cliff St - Google Maps

This two storey rendered building was built c.1890, and Number 6 (left hand side) was then referred to as Atlas Chambers while Number 8 (right hand side) was Cliff Chambers