20-28 Henry St, Rialto, Marich Buildings

20-28 Henry St (was 32-40 pre 1938), and 36-40 (was 56-58) High Street, The Rialto, Marich Buildings

A two storey series of shops that face both Henry and High Sts, constructed c. 1897 as offices and shops. The design by architect F W Burwell was originally known as the Rialto, imprinted in stucco across the corner and features a decorative parapet with small arched piers.

A single storey stone shop/ residence was on the site prior to 1884, most likely the Royal Hotel (1844 Chauncey-Snell survey).

1906 The Rialto- with Saunders and Nathan in the corner shop, were the premier hairstylists in Fremantle at this time. They also sold tobacco and were the chief suppliers of cigars.

1910 A Miss Meadley, employed at Messrs Saunders and Nathan’s Tobacco Shop, in Fremantle, recognised something in a photograph put into the papers asking for information on missing girl Margaret Bale. She cut the picture out of the paper, encircled the head and neck with a piece of paper, and saw a likeness to ‘Martin Able’, who she remembered. She then communicated her impressions to the authorities…

Nicholas Marich was the owner from 1948 to 1991 and the buildings became know as the 'Marich Buildings’.

In the late 1970s part of the building was a boarding house.

In 1994, alterations were carried out by Ralph Hoare Architect.

2002 under renovation K & S Renovations

2007 Tatoo Parlour


Lot 80 & 81 owners:

1829 - 1837 Steele, W R

1855 - 1859 Hammersley

1876 - 1877 Brockman, H

1878 - 1879 Brockman, E

Land owned by the Brockmans until c 1948

No. 20 (was 32 pre 1938)

1899 Stephens William, restaurant

1900 Teaquer & CO. (E.), restaurant

1904 Jackman, T J, restaurant

1903- 1905 Halleen, Mrs E E, Alhambra cafe and Tearooms

1906 - 1908 Banach Steve, restaurant

1912 - 1919 Alhambra cafe

1912 - 1917 Perara, Joseph

1918 Prior, Mrs M

1919 Wilson, Mrs Nellie

1920 Jones, Mrs May, lodge house

1921 - 1926 Bradford hostel (Benjamin Lorner, proprietor)

1925 Fremantle Boys’ Club

1926 - 1930 Sanitarium Health Food Co.

1927 - 1938 Buffalo Lodge

1933 - 1934 Hollis, E, hardware merchant

1940 - 1941 Thomson J Bowe, plumber

1944 - 1947 Grayson & Co. shipwrights & contractors

1949 Roby & Co A, sheet metal workers

No. 22 (was 34 pre 1938)

1918 - 1919 Alhambra cafe

1918 Prior, Mrs M

1919 Wilson, Mrs Nellie

1920 Jones, Mrs May, lodge house

1924 Murphy, David, tailor

1926 - 1927 Knapp, Jack, tailor

1938 - 1939 Buffalo Lodge

1940 - 1941 Thomson, J Bowe, plumber

1941 - 1943 Vacant (upstairs) Miller Edward, apartments

1944 - 1949 (upstairs) Petitt Robert, apartments

1949 Roby & Co A, sheet metal workers

No. 24 (was 36 pre 1938)

1899 Webster, W S, confectioner

1899 - 1906 Ashton & Badham, painters

1907 Lane, A E, painter

1911 - 1917 Hughes & Bishop, sign writers

1918 - 1919 Martinelli, Angelo

1921 - 1922 The Fremantle Herald

1923 - 1925 Allen, Lt A W

1926 - 1938 Churcher & Co, F W (W H Sharp, prop), forwarding agents

1940 - 1941 Thomson, J Bowe, plumber

1949 Roby & Co A, sheet metal workers

No. 26 (was 38 pre 1938)

1913 - 1914 Otrovski, Isaac, dealer

1915 - 1916 Moscow, J, tailor

1917 Paoli, Pompeo, sailmaker

1918 Hughes & Bishop, sign writers

1919 - 1920 Bishop, Henry J, sign writer, painter, decorator, etc.

1921 - 1946 Churcher & Co, F W, forwarding agents

1926 - 1927 Davies J W, sign writer

1928 - 1929 Port Carrying & Bag Agency

1930 - 1932 Cordingly, Charles, furniture repair

1933 - 1934 State Pres Office

1944 - 1949 Liddelow & Co J S, shipping agents

No. 28 (was 40 pre 1938)

1899 - 1902 Rassmussen, Hans, medical herbalist

1903 - 1905 Morning Herald office, Reuters upstairs?

1906 Wigg & Son, E. S. booksellers & stationers

1938 - 1946 Churcher & Co F W, forwarding agents

1944 - 1949 Liddelow & Co J S, shipping agents

No.38 (was 56 High st pre 1938) Corner shop

1898- 1930 Saunders & Nathan, hairdressers and tocacconists

1931- 1942 Miss L. Cain, tab & hairdresser

1943- 1949 Wilkinson Jas, hairdresser & tobacconist

No. 40 (was 58 High St pre 1938) Rialto chambers:

1897- 1901 Smith Harold E. accountant Millars' Karri & Jarrah Forests, timber merchants & saw millers (W.A. Karri & Jarrah Timber Co. )

1898- 1899 Kessel Richard Williams. dentist.

1898-1899 Rockcliffe & Co (H.). customs & forwarding agents

1898- 1899 Davis & Wilson architects ( from 1899 just Herbert N. Davis)

1898- Smith & Timms, railway contractors, Timms Bros. (J. A.), railway contractors.

1898- 1899 Armitage, Smith & Co. financial agents.

1899- 1908 Horrocks Charles J. manufacturers' agents, becomes 1900 Peacocks "O.K." Jam Co. Chas. J. Horrocks, agent, 1904- becomes Horrocks & Wadham manufacturers,

1899 -1908 Smith Harold E. (Harold E. Smith, D.J. Goyder & R.A. Wadham), accts & auditor. Tel. No. 662 New Zealand Insurance Co. Harold E. Smith, agent Reuter's Telegram Co. Lim. Harold E. Smith, agent. 1904 becomes Reuter's Telegram Co. Ltd. R. A. Wadham, agt.

1902- 1906 PYE & Co. M. Edward, accountants, auditors & liquidators: Fremantle Chamber of Commerce, (M. Edward Pye, sec) and Fremantle District Storekeepers' Assoc. (M. Edward. Pye, sec) Fremantle Free Traders' Assoc. (M. Edward. Pye, sec) National Mutual Life Assoc. M. Edward. Pye, res, agent London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Coy. (M.E. Pye, res. agent)

1902 Hogg Mrs. J. registry office

1903 - 1908 Allen Joseph F. architect

1903- W.A. Supply Co. Ltd. (J.A. Green, mgr 1903), (Wm. H. Kosky, mgr 1905)

1904- Taylor H. L. rep. E. S. & A. Robinson (Eng)

1913 W. A. Tailoring Co. Michael Michaels, proprietor

1919- Martinelli, Flore. Wilson, Mrs Nellie. Castledine, Mrs Clylic. Flocco, Ignazlo, tailor

1921 Martinella, Angelo

1922 Universal Supply Co of W A, storekeepers

1923- 1938 Fremantle Buffalo Club Ltd (changes from 58 to no 40)

1947 Carrington C, manufacturers' agent;

Tinson Thelma, dancing teacher;

Higgins & Isherwood, Painters & decorators

40a- Frank, art gallery

26 Mouat Street

Notre Dame University ND6 - Student Recreation Hall - (Former) Strelitz Brothers Warehouse

26 Mouat St (was 38 pre 1938)

Architecture: 26 Mouat Street, was a brick and iron warehouse, built c.1900. The façade is tuck pointed, the north side is rendered and the southern side is face brick. The roof is gabled with a ridge vent (has been re-clad). The façade features three arches with the central arch being the glassed entrance door, and arches either side, windows. There is a circular window in the gable, and a rendered ribbon decoration above the central arch.

History- Lot 47 was originally owned by Adam Armstrong (1829-1837) then transferred to Walter Pace (1855), then Mrs Ann Pace (1856-1859). In 1876 it was purchased by Scott and Hagan, who ran the Victoria Hotel, which became the P&O Hotel next door. Patrick Hagan lived in a house on the site in 1880.

The property was purchased in 1900 by the Richard and Paul Strelitz brothers (see bio), whose main company buildings were located next door at 30 Mouat St (built 1897). The house was demolished and replaced with a warehouse.

Richard Strelitz followed his brother, Paul Strelitz, who came to Australia from Germany in 1886 and in 1894 moved to Western Australia. Richard Strelitz had worked for a shipping firm in Germany before moving to Victoria in 1892 and settled in WA six months later.

In 1894, the brothers established the firm Strelitz Brothers, Merchants and Shipping Agents of Fremantle and Kalgoorlie. One of the key agencies possessed by the firm was the German-Australian Steamship Company, which pioneered direct trade between Europe and WA. They were also agents for Alfred Nobel's Hamburg Explosive Company, Ltd and sold dynamite to the mining industry. They also imported mining machinery and railway material.

Strelitz Bros. took advantage of Fremantle's growth as the major trading port for Western Australia's gold boom and their business expanded.

1906 PERTH AND FREMANTLE, DECLARED PLAGUE-INFECTED BY THE DUTCH INDIES GOVERNMENT. The Central Board of Health has received the following communication from Mr. Paul Strelitz, the Western Australian Consul for the Netherlands Government, Fremantle, 20 Feb., 1906: The Honorable The Colonial Secretary, Perth. Sir, I have the honor to inform you that I have just received cable advice from my Government that the Netherland Indian Government has declared Perth and Fremantle as being infected by bubonic plague. The usual quarantine measures will be applied to all vessels. My Government has further prohibited the importation of carpets, used embroideries, unless they are transported as luggage, or in consequence of a change of domicile. Importation is further prohibited of used bags, rugs, untanned hides, including those salted or treated with arsenic, fresh animal residue, claws, hoofs, raw wool, manes, brushes, hair, originating from the district which has been declared infected, or has been transhipped there. I shall be glad if you will kindly make the above known in the usual way. I have the honor, etc., PAUL STRELITZ, Consul. (reference)

Contrary to historic references of Richard Strelitz being interned as an enemy alien during the 1914 - 1918 war, he was not. But he was under a heavy cloud of suspicion from those who didn’t know him, and he moved his family to Sydney in 1917. Paul later followed with his family and, in NSW, they flourished. The Strelitz brothers sold the building in Mouat St, in 1920 to George Evans, the first paint manufacturer in Western Australia.

1930’s Duncan, Preston & Co

During 1998 the building was extensively restored and the facade reconstructed, including matching patination of the new brickwork to old, by Marcus Collins Architects (MCA).

Notre Dame University (NDU), became the owners in 2011.


Lot 47 owners:

1829 - 1837 Armstrong, Adam

1855 - 1859 Pace, Ann

1876 Scott & Hagan

1877 - 1878 Hagan, P

No. 26

1901 - 1903 Strelitz Bros. (bulk store)

1904 - 1932 Preston Ltd. Duncan, merchants(1926< Preston & Co, Duncan)

1912 - 1932 Gregory, George C, manager

1933 - 1934 vacant

1934 - 1949 Nicholls & Co Ltd, stevedores & labour contractors

McDonald Smith Building

McDonald Smith Building 22-32 Cliff St

Architecture The McDonald Smith Building- designed, as ‘Cliff Street Chambers’, by architect Herbert Nathaniel Davis. It is a two storey rendered building with zero setback from the pavement. The building has a parapet with spheres crowning small-engaged pilasters and decorative pediments. The ground floor façade has arched doors and windows, with stucco above and a single level entrance on the south side; the first floor has sash windows.

History The McDonald Smith Building is built across 2 Lots: Lot 21 was originaly owned by Henry Vincent (1829-1837), transferred to Stockley (1855-1859). A cottage and warehouse were established on Lot 21 from the 1870s.

Lot 22 was retained by Henry Vincent (1829-1859). Both Lots 21 and 22 were then owned by William Vincent (1876-1879). The Vincent Family had a cottage and warehouse on the site in the 1870s and 1880s.

There are relics of a former lime washed and shingled house at the rear of this building. There were minor changes to the warehouse in 1961, 1962 and 1973.


1897 Cliff Street chambers: Thomas W. J. Kiffin, produce mer / STANBURY & SHAW, customs, shipping & forwarding agents.  First floor. HARROLD BROS. (Wm. A. Fraser, manager) , general merchants / Davis & WIlson, architechs / PYNE, TRELOAR & CO. customs, shipping & forwarding agents/ Wood Son & Co. (G.), grocers & importers / SIMONDS & CO. (ERNEST T.), forwarding & customs agents,Coolgardie / Fysh B. manufacturers' agent / Holman, Haines & Co. accountants &c., / Smith Harold E. accountant. & auditor / Atkins & Co. Limited (Charles), oil merchants (lubricating)/ Reuter's Telegram Co. Limited (Harold E. Smith, rep) / South Aust. Ins. Co. Limited (fire & marine) (H. E. Smith, agent) / Torbay, Karri & Jarrah Timber Co. (C. & E.Millar) (H. Teesdale Smith, manager) / Henderson Edgar J. architect / Gilfillan W. D. manufacturers' agent / Peterson & Co. (William), tea merchants (W. D. Gilfillan, rep) / McKenzie & Co. (James F.), importers (W. D. Gilfillan, rep) / CADD FRANK, customs, shipping & forwarding agent / South British Insurance Co. (fire & marine) (Frank Cadd, agent)   Right of way: Fremantle Stevedoring Co. (Capt. John Abbott), stevedores / Knox A. Graham, importer / Imperial Fire Ins. Co. Limited (A. Graham Knox, agent)

1898 Cliff Street Chambers:   Ground Floor: Flindell, Fraser & Co. customs agents / Thomas W. J. Kiflin, produce mer / Glassford, Cooke & Co. Proprietary Lim, (J. Murdoch, Mgr), produce merchants.   First Floor: Haines & Co. (O. L.), customs, shipping and forwarding agents / Moorhouse & Co. (O.L.), customs, shipping & forwarding agents / Webster William, marine surveyor / Wigmore F. E. customs agent / Wigmore H. J. commision agent / Crossland C. contractor / Guilfoyle William, customs agent / Calthrop Bros, mercantile brokers / Knox H. R. customs & forwarding agent / Doeling F. mercantile broker / Gilfillan W. D. agent for Wood Dunn & Co, Lim, produce merchants, Melbourne / Yeates & Co. customs & forwarding agents / Cadd Frank, customs, shipping & forwarding agent.    Off Cliff-street:  Fremantle Stevedoring Co. (Capt. John Abbot), stevedores

1904 - 1905 (30) Haywood F. M. customs agent / (32) Macfarlane & Co. Jas. provision merchants

1907 - 1911 (30) Gruer David J. customs & forwdg. agent

1912 - 1917 (32) Gruer Dav. J. customs. & forwarding agent

1909 (28) Adams & Co. (G. H), wine, spirit & gen. Importers

1912 - 1920 (24) Millars' Timber & Trading Co. Ltd. (H F Briggs, Mgr)

1915 (30) Davey Jas. Carrier

1917 - 1920 (28) O'Sullivan Jno. J. lime & stone merchants / Gruer, Dav J,. Customs & for agt

1931 - 1937 (32) Lanzar, Salvatore

1931 - 1932 (28) Lester, Mrs A, carrier / O'Sullivan, Jno J, lime & stone merchant

1936 - 1938 (24) Daly Bros., carriers/ (28) Lester (Mrs A.), carrier

1938 - 1943 (26) Nicola Candatore (Pres. Blessding of the Fleet c’mittee)

1938 - 1940 (off 32) Morris & Co. (M.), marine dealers

1941 - 1943 (28) Marchesi, Mrs. A.Corieri, Anopus

1940 - 1943 (off 32) Rodriguez & Lee, wool merchants

1941 - 1943 (30-32) Farindo, Cosmo

1944 (32) Lee (Eric E.), wool merchant

1946 - 1947 (20-32) Department of Navy

1949 (20-22) Rutland (R. A.), electrician & refrigerator engineers / (28) Sherborne (F. J.), customs agents

The buildings were also owned by Captain Lilly, and then J.E. McDonald and Smith from 1961 until the 1970s and then Tompkins and Company as a general store.