Baird's Building/Athena Lodge

33-37 High Street (pre 1938 - 45/49 High Street)- Athena Lodge / Baird’s Building / Continental Cafe

This building, 33-37 High Street was designed by Cavanagh and Cavanagh and built by R. Rennie c1901. As Athena Lodge, alterations were carried out in 1969. In 1975 the building, then offices, was upgraded further.

1904 The mutoscope starts its season at the Baird's Building, Fremantle. The Mutoscope depicts the latest pictures of the latest events direct from tbe Crystal Palace, London, and should enjoy a successful season in Fremantle. (reference)

1905 Miss E. Fell, proprietress of the Fremantle tea-rooms, although of homely pretension, strikes the human heart to the core with her never-to-be-forgotten afternoon tea in a manner which ought to speedily ensure her unbounded success. Miss Fell has learnt the truth of the old saying: "The nearest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." All, girls! How sadly we must repent our neglected cookery. Although Miss Fell deals only in the homely tea biz., she works proficiently, and never fai's to warm the heart of both man and maid. Don't forget the Maori' and tea-shop, boys! Miss Fell promises a cockle for every heart. Every Johnny likes his cup of tea as well as the thirsty maid. (reference)

1906 Mr. W. G. Tawnley has opened an office in Baird's Building, Fremantle, as accountant, share broker, and general commission agent. (reference

1907 At an early hour to-day, the constable on duty in High-street discovered that the premises in that thoroughfare, occupied by Miss E. Fell, and known as the Fremantle Tea Rooms, had been entered during the night…When the proprietress arrived at the shop, it was found that various portions of the stock, comprising sweetmeats and cakes, had been abstracted… (reference)

1910 ‘Casey,' the wonderful chimpanzee at Fremantle. Fremantle residents are to have the opportunity of seeing 'Casey' at a specially-fitted up parlor at 45 High street… The Chimpanzee's close resemblance to man attracts all those with a sneaking belief in the Darwinian theory, whilst the entertaining lecturettes of Mr. Ellis Joseph, 'Casey's' capturer and owner, are educative and attractive. (reference)

Margaret Bale as ‘Martin Able’ start his own business- an ‘art studio’, renting a shop at 45 High Street (now 33 High St), between the Orient and P&0 Hotels. 

“I said to myself there are, apparently artists in Fremantle. Martin Able will become an artist. My first step was to order from the firm Sands and McDougall some six pounds' worth of postcards to my own design. A very disastrous step it proved, too as I waited in vain for my cards.” 

Martin became friends with local artist and illustrator Hal Warwick, and started to produce hand-painted postcards under the name ‘Val Able’

1918 WANTED, Housemaid and Waitresses, must be experienced. Cafe Continental, High st., Fremantle (reference)

1922 Body Found in the River- The remains were identified as those of lumper Charles Fredrickson, aged about 50 years. He had been residing at the Continental Cafe in High-street. When the body was found by the police the hands and feet were discovered to be tied together by a piece of a clothes lines, also a canvas bag with stones in it was tied to the neck. (reference

1923 Elvio Baldrati a resident at the Continental Cafe was charged with the shooting murder of a 16 year old girl. He was sentenced to death. (reference) (reference

1943 Norwegian seaman Reader Wedeld, celebrating his arrival in Fremantle after a long sea trip, bought drinks for a stranger, took a room at the same place as him. Later, Wedeld claimed in the Criminal Court today, this man and another beat him up, stole £15 from his pocket. The men he identified as William Charles Phease and Thomas Ingvardsen. He met Phease at His Majesty's Hotel, Fremantle, bought drinks for him, and later accompanied him to the Continental Cafe, where Phease lived, and took a room for the night… (reference)


Lot 62- 63 owners: 1829 - 1837 Chidlow, Henry, 1855 - 1859 (62)Marmion, P (63)Woodward, Sarah, 1876 - 1879 Marmion, W E

No. 33 (45)

1905 O'Brien, Con, bootmaker

1906 - 1907 Forsyth, D S, bootmaker

1910- Martin Able ( artist) see Margaret Bale/Martin Able

1912 - 1915 Sales, Frederick C, bootmaker

1919 - 1921 McLeish & Cook, wicker workers

1922 - 1923 Cook, Henry, wicker worker

1924 Cook, George

1925 - 1932 Copperwaite, C H, bootmaker

1933 - 1934 Dines, W W, boatbuilder & rigor

1934 - 1935 Vacant

1935 - 1936 Radical Book Shop

1936 - 1943 Vacant

1944 - 1945 Neptune Mending Club

1947 - 1949 Dixon Norm J, printer

No. 35


1905 Lovegrove William, solicitor

1905 - 1906 Melrose A, art studio

1907 Cambie Edward, photographer (died 1947), McNeece J, architect, Korten Miss, ladies' hairdresser

1907 - 1911 Melville Roads Board Office, (Percy Cram, secretary),

1910 Morris David L. photographer,

1912 Reynolds P. estate agent

1946 Smart, Mrs L E, cafe

1947 (re-building)


Mould, Miss I, dressmaker, Bromilow, T, watchmaker, Butt, P T, tailor, Faber, Johann, importer & exporter

No. 37 (49)

1900 Flanders, Robert, tailor

1902 - 1903 Reynolds, A, dealer

1905 - 1908 Fell, Miss E, refreshment rooms, Fremantle Tea Rooms


(1906 - 1907 Harold Redcliffe, manager), (1908 W E Marseden, manager)

1909 Leithhead, Alexander, refreshment rooms

1910 - 1911 Boon William, refreshment rooms

1912 - 1945 Boleda & Co. J. Cafe Continental (1912 - 1914 Boleda, John)

1946 Smart, Mrs L E, cafe

1949 F & J Delicatessen, small goods dealer

Athena Lodge (fmr).JPG

Elder Shenton & Co Building

Elder Shenton & Co Building, 37-45 Cliff St, Herald Newspaper office

Architect J.J. Talbot Hobbs (1903)

Architecture This two storey rendered, truncated building with parapet, straddles the corner of Cliff St and Croke Lane. The building has zero setback from the pavement. Cliff Street façade has engaged pilasters and an ashlar effect on the ground floor and arched timber sash windows. The first floor has slightly arched windows with stucco above and a string course. The parapet is corniced. The Croke Lane façade features a decorative stucco arch over the drive through entrance on the ground floor; the windows are multi-paned casement with multi-paned transom lights.

History: Lot 11 and 12 were originally owned by Dan Scott (1829- 1859) and Mrs D Scott (1876-1880). Records reveal a number of buildings located on both lots from 1868, when the Fremantle Literary Institute amalgamated with the Working Men's Association and was housed in a small building at the corner of Cliff and Dalgety (now Croke Lane) streets. George Shenton was the owner from 1881- with a warehouse and office on lot 11, and buildings on lot 12: a cottage, 2 warehouses, and offices.

In 1896, a new two storey building running the length of lot 11, with a distinctive facade was erected. A warehouse was erected for Elder Shenton and Co to the designs of J. Talbot Hobbs, for the sum of £1, 326, and completed in 1903. The upper part of the facade of the building was removed c. 1925 and four separate buildings on the site were amalgamated.

The building was renovated in 1957 by Frank Manford to a specification by Allen & Nicholas Architects. Currently (41) Cliff Street houses the ‘Fremantle Herald’ office.

1898 Spirit merchant Mr Geoge Shenton (reference)
Advertising: steamship owners William Howard Smith and Sons (reference)

That Greer's O.V.H. Whisky is the best in the market goes without saying, judging by its consumption, which is the largest of any brand of whisky in the colony. The sole wholesale agents for W.A. are Messrs. G. H. Adam and Co., Cliff-street, Fremantle. (reference

The W.A.T.C. having dismissed the protest entered by the owner of Wilfred against Queen's Toast, who won the Handicap Hurdles at the Fremantle Jockey Club's races on the 11th, holders of totalisator tickets on Queen's Toast can obtain a dividend of about 41s. at the office of Messrs. Payne and Humble, Cliff-street, Fremantle. (reference)


1897 - 1902 (41) Shenton George, merchant, shipping agent, importer of wines & spirits(1897: P. & O. Steam Navigation Co.; 1897-1898: shipping agent)

1897 - 1915 Nobel’s Explosives Co, Glasgow


Adams & co. (G. H.), manufacturers' agents, wine & spirit, indent & general merchants

Payne & Humble, customs agents

Laurie, Robert, customs agent & stevedore

Henrique, F, A, mercantile broker

McCulloch Carrying Co, Limited (William O J Doherty, manager), carriers

Gibbs, George G, customs, shipping & estate agent

1898 - 1900 Smith & Sons Limited (William Howard) (1898: C. M. Newman, manager), steamship owners & coal importers


(41) Fremantle Produce & Gne. Auctioneering Co., A Maxwell, manager

Cohen, E, accountant

1904 - 1909 Firth & Sons Thomas, steel manufacturers, Sheffield (Elder, Shenton & Co. agents)

1904 - 1918 (45) Elder, Shenton & Co. Ltd. merchants, importers & shipping, stock & station & general commission agents

1904 - 1931 (41) Calthrop Bros, general importers, produce merchants &c.

1905 - 1918 Palatine Insurance Co Ltd (Elder, Shenton & Co Ld. agents)

1907 - 1909 Australian Alliance Assurance Co. (W H Evans, representative)

1910 - 1915

Government Stores Department, James Macgregor, in charge

Harbour Master's office (Capt. C. J. Irvine, harbour master; George J Sinclair, secretary navigation department; Capt. Thomas. W. Smith, shipping master)(1915 Alexander C Butcher, State engineer surveyor)

1911 - 1938

(35-37) Samson & Son (L.), wine & spirit merchants wholesale, & grocers wholesale Sun Insurance Office Ltd., Lionel Samson & Son, chief agents

1915 Union Marine Insurance Co. Ltd. Elder, Shenton & Co. agents

1919 - 1920

(45) Elder, Smith & Co Limited, merchants, wool & produce brokers, shipping, live stock and land salesman

Llyods, London (Elder, Smith & Co Ltd, agents)

1921 - 1926

(45) Kreglinger & Fernau Ltd, wool brokers (Edmond Antoine, manager)

Swan Wool Scouring Co of WA Ltd (C W Morgan, secretary)

1921 - 1927 (45) Swan Wool Scouring Co of WA Ltd (1921-1926: C W Morgan, secretary; 1927: E Antoine, managing director)

1930 - 1938 (45) Currie, Dilion and Co, customs, shipping & forwarding agents

1936 - 1938 (41) Western Star Milling Co. Ltd., store

1938 - 1949 (41) Rex Robertson & Co., wool merchants

1938 - 1942 (37) Stevenson & Holland Ltd., customs, shipping & forwarding agents

1944 - 1945 (37-39) H. M. Naval Establishment Stores


(37-39) Triplett & Sons, engineers

(45) Avery (Australia) Pty. Ltd. (W. & T.), scale makers

Herald officesd at 37 Cliff St