Liebler Facade

Reckitt & Colman Building, Facade / Liebler Building

21-29 Cliff St

Architecture Single storey façade only intact, has a zero setback from the pavement. The façade features arched openings (blocked) from engaged pilasters and a decorative parapet with highly decorative pediments.

History The Liebler Building façade is part of former buildings of Lionel Samson and Co, the oldest existing firm of merchants in the state. Lots 7 and 8 Cliff St were owned by John Lewis in 1880, as mixed commercial and residential use. New owners in 1881 were Mason and Liebler, with a residential house on Lot 8 and a shop on Lot 7. In 1882 the ownership changed to Mason and Samson and then in 1890 to Elias Solomon and Lionel Samson. At some time between 1890 and 1895 a facade was constructed in front of stone cottages on the site. The cottages were demolished in 1967 but the facade was retained- due to two Fremantle identities: Alec Smith, then owner of the Fremantle Hotel, and the cartoonist Paul Rigby (reference). The facade was classified by the National Trust in 1974. In 1980 the southern wing of the facade was demolished. In 2018 it was renovated, with the doors and windows openings restored. The site behind the facade is a now car park.

2017- High Tide Festival Fremantle- Artist Zora Kreuzer’s Arcade is deceptively simple. Appropriating the façade of the old Liebler Building she has chosen a palette of fluoro hues to paint to create a rainbow spectrum of spaces in the former arched window cavities. Not only do they re-energise the building but instantly she has created a photo booth for the thousands of visitors streaming through the historic site. (reference)


Licensing Courts article mentions William. F. Samson of Cliff street, Fremantle being granted a renewal for a gallon license. (reference

Wanted, general servant.  Must be a good cook, light work , AM Josephson, Cliff street Fremantle. (reference)



… At the Queen’s bond, Messrs Lionel Samson and Son will sell cigars, tobacco, furniture and personal effects, in Cliff street, Fremantle. (reference)


1829 - 1837 Lot 8: Lewis, Richard

1855 - 1859 Lot 8: Lewis

1876 - 1879 Lot 8: Lewis, John


A.M. Josephson, pearl merchant, [Right of way]  Willshire, R J, commission merchant

1897 - 1898

Harper & Co. (ROBERT), importers, manufacturers & Eastern produce merchants & co. agents. for MELBOURNE CHILLED BUTTER & PRODUCE CO. and Colonial Sugar Refining Co.

Bank of New South Wales (E A Cameron, manager)

1897 - 1900 Fowler D & J (1898: G. C. Knight, managing director), merchants (1900: merchants and shipping agents) agents for North China Insurance Company (1900)

1897 - 1903 Preston & Company (H. J.) (1897: wine, spirit & general merchants, indenting & commission agents; 1900-1903: manufacturers' agents & importers)

1897 - 1905 William Frederick Samson, Lionel Samson & sons, agents (1902-1905: Sun Insurance Office (London), wine & spirit merchants, wholesale grocers and government auctioneers

1899 Laurie, Robert (custom agents and stevedore)

1899 - 1900 New Zealand Insurance Company

1899 - 1901

Shenton, George, merchant shipping agent & importer of wines & spirits

Smith and Sons Pty Ltd, (William Howard) steamship owners & coal importers

1899 - 1905 Nobel's Explosives Company Limited (1899 - 1901: George Shenton, agents)

1900 - 1903

Harper & Company Pty Ltd (Robert) importers, manufacturers

Melbourne Steamship Company Limited (H R Reid, manager for WA)


Mail Steamers Agency Ltd, (Charles Crewe, secretary )

Longbottom, Percival, estate agent

Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation and Company Ltd (George Shenton, agent)

1901 - 1902

Thomas Horace P, shipping and insurance agent for Royal Insurance Company

Thomas Cook and Son, tourist agents

1901 - 1904 (no 25) John Stewart and company, produce merchant (1904: produce, merchants and mercantile agents)

1904 Goddard (H.A.), C J Ellershaw and company representatives

1904 - 1905

Calthorp Bros., general importers, produce merchants

Elder, Shenton and Company, merchants, importers & shipping, stock & station & general, commission agents

Firth and Sons Thomas, steel manufacturers


Stewart & McDonald, produce merchants & mercantile agents

Lewis, Albert, mercantile agent

Barrow & Reynolds, produce merchants

Palatine Insurance Company Ltd, Elder, Shenton and Co Ltd, agents

Sheffield (Elder, Shenton and Company), agents

1904 - 1949 (23) ELLERSHAW & Co. Pty. Ltd. (C. J.), customs, shipping, forwarding, indent and manufacturers' agents

1909 - 1927 (25) McBean & Deason, commercial & shipping agents, bulk stores

1918 - 1920 (29) Evans & Co, George, ship chandlers

1919 - 1920 (27) Lester, J H, customs agent and carrier

1921 - 1922 (29) Drew, Robinson & Co (bulk store)

1924 - 1934 (29) Barnes Herbert, carrier

1928 - 1935 (25) Bunyip Soap Co. Ltd.

1934 - 1936 (29) Daly Bros, carriers

1936 - 1937 (27) Cook (Lionel S.), wool buyer

1935 - 1946 (27) Sadliers Ltd R C, customs agents

1936 - 1938 (25) Payne (John H.) bus manager

1937 - 1946 (29) Sadleir Angora Yarns Ltd., knitting depot, woollen yarn manufacturers

1947 (23-29) ELLERSHAW & Co. Pty. Ltd. (C. J.), customs, shipping, forwarding, indent and manufacturers' agents

1949 (25) Reckitt & Coleman (Australia) Ltd., blue manufacturers, mustard manufacturers & starch manufacturers