Atlas Chambers

6 Cliff St - Google Maps

This two storey rendered building was built c.1890, and Number 6 (left hand side) was then referred to as Atlas Chambers while Number 8 (right hand side) was Cliff Chambers

6 Cliff Street


6 Cliff St - Google Maps


1901 - 1902 Mr. N. H. Baker, of the Perth Stock Exchange and Atlas Chambers, Cliff-street, Fremantle, shares the latest Stock Market report (reference)

1901 Office boy wanted. Apply Capt Arundel, marine surveyor, Atlas Chambers, Cliff street. (reference)

1906 Parsons Bros, and Co. Proprietary, Ltd., well-known manufacturers of cereals, whose head office is situated at Atlas Chambers, Cliff street, Fremantle, have some well-known lines on the local markets. They include starch, oatmeal, 'Cornia', Pasha Coffee, and John Bull Oats…they are all Australian-made (reference)

1907 At the Fremantle Police Court William Henderson was charged with having threatened to kill George Boultbee at Fremantle on November 14. George Boultbee, of the firm of Boultbee and Calder, solicitors, stated that in June last he commenced an action on behalf of the accused against the Temperance and General Assurance Society, claiming damages for malicious prosecution…

If I had met you in High-street today I would have horse-whipped you as a commencement. Meanwhile, accept this intimation that if my case is dismissed I will have a settlement with you, and it will be such that you will not swindle anyone else. When you hung up my case I determined that your fate should be as ours. Not another word. Ruin us if you are game. (reference)

1929 Special Detective-Inspector Fred G. Egglestone, of the Fremantle Harbor Trust laid a charge, in the Fremantle Police Court,on Tuesday, against Harry Hatton, taxi driver, of having used abusive and threatening language on Victoria Quay on September 23… (reference)

1915 He (Fred Egglestone) is grown fairly tall, about 5ft. ll in. to 6ft. He is clean shaven, upper-lip and all, and shaves daily and you will find Fred neat and spruce at all times, a neat fall always to the crease of his pants. When necessary to read a particular subject, has to use a pince-nez, which gives him the air of aristocracy, not that Fred cares a bit. He has a most pleasant manner about him, a manner that has gulled many. (reference)

1916 Customs Detective Fred Egglestone, of the" Fremantle Wharf, saw "The Opium Smugglers" four times, and therein picked up a lot of points he might otherwise have missed. (reference)

1920 A family quarrel, called a dirty mongrel.  At the Fremantle Police Court, before Mr. W.A.G Walter, R.M, Rose Blatchford was charged by Richard Pollard with using abusive language.  Rose Blatchford stated there had been blood between the complainant and herself for two years past… (reference)

1924 …the accused, a baggage porter employed by R. P. North, had been entrusted with the handling of large sums of money. When cash was needed it was the practice to forward blank cheques to the office at Fremantle. and these, to which the accused could always have access, could be filled in for any amount. He first fell from grace when he lost some money at the races…A large proportion of the stolen money had been spent on liquidating racing debts. (reference)

1925 Messrs. Sasso and Willis, established in Cliff-street, Fremantle, have instituted a new industry for the Port, in that of violin making… (reference)

1926 WANTED GIRL, fourteen years of age, just left school, to attend phone. Apply Swan Carrying Co., 6 Cliff-street, Fremantle, Mr. T. HALL. (reference)

1932 Captain Frank Biddies, one of the leading Pearlers in Broome, after a protracted illness, passed away at Fremantle, at the ripe age of 81 years. He was a foundation member of the Fremantle Business Men’s Association… when the Karrakatta was wrecked off Swan Point on April 1, 1901, it was Captain Biddles who rescued the passengers and crew, all told 160 souls, and conveyed them to Broome in his schooner. (reference)

1934 FREMANTLE LUMPERS' UNION. The annual ejection of officers and committee of the Lumpers' Union is now in progress. (reference)

1938 CUSTOMS, SHIPPING AND FORWARDING AND PARCEL DELIVERY SERVICE., ERIC BARNARD LTD., HALSBURY CHAMBERS, 12 Howard-street, PERTH. And at Fremantle. Phone 9704 (two lines). (reference)



Wigmore & Co (H.J.) mercantile brokers, produce & general commission agents

Summerhayes & Ford, architects and surveyors

Wigmore Fred, custom agent

[1F] Steuart Cheesbrough & Co, custom & shipping agents

1899 - 1900

Haines & Co, accountants (Octavius Lionel Haines)

The Trade Protection Association of WA Ltd


Ferguson Mephan (Charles Begg, agent)

Denny Bros (agent)

[1F] Diamond Arthur J, mercantile agent

Ellson & Co (W E Bagnell, attorney)

1900 - 1904 Hicks Clarence, accountant


Sanguinetti & Co, commission agents

Fysh, B, importer

1901 - 1902 Ellson & Co (successors to Danby Butler & Co), accountants, auditors, trade assignees & insurance brokers


Baker, N H, stock & share broker

Arundel, Capt. R E, marine surveyor

1903 - 1904 The Trade Protection Association of WA Ltd (Clarence Hicks, agent)


W. A. Baggage Agency

Durrant & Humphries, proprietors

Brockman, G K, customs agent

Boultbee, G F

Thomas, Horace P

1905 - 1906 [1F] Holmes & Co. (Richard), merchants

1905 - 1912 Parsons Bros. & Co. Pty. Ltd. (1905-1906: G Bracher, manager; 1907-1912: P H Willoughby, manager), merchants

1911 - 1915 Wade, Robert S, printer

1913 Biddles, Frank, station owner

1914 Clarke & J Co, baggage agents

1916 Carrotts, Thomas

1916 - 1918 [1F] Egglestones, Fred, customs det

1917 vacant

1918 - 1919 North, Reginald P, customs & baggage agent

1919 [1F] vacant


Railway Good Shed (George Moore, in charge)

H. M. Customs

North, Reginald P., customs & baggage agent

Middlemas, Miss L

1920 - 1922 [1F] Birch, Miss Ivy

1921 - 1922 Blatchford, Mrs Rose

1923 Wirth, Mrs M, registration office

1923 - 1925 [1F] Peters, William

1924-25 Everitt, Martin, registration office


Kenny, Mrs E

Sasso & Willis, piano tuners

[1F] vacant


Swan Carrying Co baggage agent

[1F] vacant

1927 - 1928

Willis, Vincent G, music teacher

Reid, Mrs R


Currie, Dillon & Co., customs & forwarding agents

National Union of Sea Men of Great Britain (W.A. Branch)

[1F] Tuttlebee, George

1930 Road Patrol Station, Royal Automobile Club of W.A., Inc. (Jackson)

Egglestone, Fred

[1F] Jackson

1931 - 1932 vacant

1933 - 1936

Fremantle Lumpers Union (1933-1935: T Fox, secretary; 1935-1936: R Thornett, secretary)

[1F] vacant

1936 - 1938 Black, James, customs agent, Larin Walter

1936 - 1942 [1F] Hynes, Alfred

1938 - 1941 Chesterfield, John

1941 - 1943 Roddy, Mrs Ellen C

1942 - 1949 Barnard Ltd. Eric, customs, forwarding & shipping agents

1944 - 1946 [1F] Marriett, Mrs Ann S

1947 Goodrick, James T