54 Henry St

54 Henry St (was 90 pre 1938)

Single storey rendered façade with attached rendered and Colorbond building behind. The façade features a simple parapet and remnants of lettering appearing in the pediment. There is a central entrance with panelled doors and timber double hung sash windows.

The original land grant was made to William Keats. The Chauncey-Snell survey indicates a stone building being built in 1845.

In 1856 the property was purchased by Henry Manning of Manning's Ship Agency. It remained in the Manning family until c1948, and was used as offices/factory/warehouse/store.

A 1916 Metropolitan sewerage plan shows five brick buildings on site; sewered in 1915.

1919 WANTED, Girl. used to wrapping and packing confectionery. C. H. Littleton. 90 Henry-st., Fremantle. (reference)

1937 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT -IN THE MATTER OF WILLIAM OLlVER DANIELSON AND DOUGLAS BADEN POWELL BUYERS, TRADING AS W. O. DANIELSON AND CO., FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, 90 HENRY-ST., FREMANTLE. NOTICE is hereby given that a First and Final Dividend of Ten Shillings in the Pound is intended to be declared in this matter…R. GOYNE MILLER, Trustee. (reference)

1948 April 29, at half-past 3 o'clock, in our rooms. J. J. and F G. Higham (1932) Auctioneers. have received instructions from the Executers of the Estate of Florence Augusta Hall (deceased) to sell by public auction. Fremantle store Property, No. 54 Henry-st.. brick store outbuildlngs and conveniences, land has 49 ft. frontage to Henry-st., depth 161 feet with own r.o.w. to Pakenham-st., a total area of 32.8 perches. Full particulars as to conditions of sale and details of title can be obtained from the Auctioneers J. J. AND F. G. HIGHAM (1932), 49 High st.. Fremantle. (reference)

1954 BAGS and Sacks wanted. We buy usable super bags and corn sacks at top prices. Will pay £18 per ton f.o.r. Fremantle for old Jute bags and scrap Jute consigned to Fremantle Bag Co. Pty. Ltd., 54 Henry-st., Fremantle. (reference)

c 1993 The building was converted to residential living.

Lot 93 owners:

1829 - 1837 Keats, William

1855 Davey

1856 - 1859 Manning, H

1876 - 1878 Manning, Lucius Alexander



McBean Bowker & Co. merchants

Whiteman & CO. (E.), general produce & Eastern merchants


McBean James, shipping & insurance agent

Walker & Co. (John), mercantile brokers

1912 - 1935 Littleton, Clement H, wholesale confectioner

1936 - 1938 Merchant Service Guild of Australasia (WA section)

1936 - 1940 Danielson, W O, furniture manufacturers

1940 - 1946 vacant

1949 - 1954 Fremantle Bag Co.

54 henry st.JPG


14 Mouat St (was 16 pre 1938)

The building was built for E.H. Fothergill, & Co, shipping, insurance, customs and commission agents, who were operating from the building in 1900. (reference)

The original part of the building is a two storey stone and rendered stone building, with zero setback from the pavement. There is a parapet with open circles and a central pediment, which features a stucco wreath. The building is sided by engaged pilasters and the ground floor has an open drive through entrance to the right side and front entrance to the left. The first floor has arched timber sash windows with decorative stucco above and decorative skirts below.

1904 E. H. FOTHERIGILL and CO., 16 Mouatt-st., Fremantle SOLE AGENTS: The British Anti-Fouling Composition Paint Co Ltd. - Anti-corrosive and Anti-fouling Paints. Buring and Sobe’s Spring Vale Wines. David Corsair and Sons' Canvas. Tea Company. - "Tamil" Tea. The Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Company Limited., The "Minimax" Fire Extinguisher., S.S. Reliance, Towing and Watering in Harbour and River. Schooner Rescue, Schooner Alice, trading to North-West ports. Wool and M.O.P Shell shipped from all ports on through bill of lading, to London and the Continent… (reference)

From 1919- 1926 the building housed the Sandalwood export business of John Hector until his sudden death in 1926 (reference). Hector had worked previously for Guthrie & Co c 1903. He was a member of the Scottish group, the Fremantle Caledonian Society.

In May, 1924, Hector and Sons. submitted to the Government a proposition for the organisation of the Sandalwood industry and the improvement of existing conditions in Qld. The firm offered as much as £44 per ton, including royalty. This proposition was investigated, and the correspondence received from a number of cutters intimated that they were definitelv in favour of an organisation being set up to control export. An attempt was later made at reorganisation, but Messrs. Hector and Son advised that they could not comply with all the conditions of their tender, and the endevour had to be abandoned. (reference)

1924 The only persons holding authority to obtain sandalwood from Crown lands-in the southern portion of the State, are the following: Messrs: Paterson & Co. Ltd., Perth, Messrs Burridge & Warren, E. S. and A. Bank Chambers, Perth, Mr. John Hector, 26 Mount-street, Fremantle, W.A. Sandalwood Co-operative Co. Ltd., Royal Bank Chambers (reference)

Anne and Peter Hector Established Mt Romance, an Albany sandalwood distillary in 1997, and pioneered the distillation and use of Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) in the fragrance industry. In 2008, Mt Romance became a part of Quintis, the world’s largest producer of natural sandalwood products. Quintis first sourced the seeds from Mysore in India in 1997 and began growing plantations of Sandalwood Album in Kununurra, Western Australia.

Sold in 2002, the building was renovated and a four storey addition was built to the rear of the building.


Lot 42 owners:

1829 - 1837 McDonald, Hugh

1855 Broun, R

1856 Brown, R. Mc

1857 - 1859 Brown, R M B

1876 Franciso, Alex

1877 - 1879 Harwood, J J

1902 - 1903 Adams & Co. G. H. wine, spirit & general merchants became-

1902 - 1941 Fothergill & Co Ltd, E H, merchants & land agents (1902-1915: accountants)

1903- 1904 Rosman & Co. accountants

1904 - 1910 Andrews, Charles, accountant & auditor

1905 - 1906 White, F G, commercial agent

1905 - 1907 Mannering & Co. printers

1911 - 1941 Colonial Mutual Fire Ins Co Ltd, insurance company (1911-1926: E H Fothergill & Co Ltd, chief agents)
1912 - 1927 City Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd(1912-1924: Colonial MLAS Ltd)

1919 - 1923 Hector, John, sandalwood merchant, previously with Guthrie & son (reference)

1920 - 1930 MCL Print Ltd (Reg off) (E H Fothergill, managing director)

1924 - 1926 Hector & Sons, John, merchants

1924 - 1927 Premier Coal Mining Co. Ld.

1942 - 1946 Mackay, Mrs Margaret, refreshment rooms

1947 - 1949 Ken's Port-O-Call Cafe, restaurant

14 Mouat St.PNG

warehouse, 31 PAKENHAM ST

31 Pakenham Street (pre 1938 - 67/73 Pakenham Street)

A long narrow warehouse on this site on an 1898 map has been replaced by 1913 by a more substantial rectangular building, which appears closer to the footprint of the extant building.

1900 A warehouse with sheds and cottages (used as storage space) owned by William Dalgety Moore ( died in 1910).

1905-06 George Frederick Moore, W.D. Moore and Co.

The cottages cease to be listed between 1906 and 1910, suggesting this is when the site was cleared and a new, larger warehouse constructed.

W.D. Moore & CO continued to own and occupy the place until the late 1930s.

In 1939 the occupant is noted as Dalgety & Co.

By the mid-1940s the occupant is Donald John McKenzie, however, Moore continues to own the place.
In 1974 the place was purchased by R.C. Sadlier Pty Ltd.

It was auctioned by Sadliers in 1986.
2002 residential use.


Lot 109 & 110 owners:

1855 Curtis

1856 - 1878 Dyett, M

No evidence is available of ongoing tenant history as the building was owned by W.D. Moore & Co. for so long and using it as a storage space. In fact, in Post Office Directories, 67/73 Pakenham street is never mentioned by street number. 

31 Pakenham St.PNG

96 High st

96 High Street (pre 1938 - 118 High Street) Olympia Cafe, formerly National Bank 

1898 T.O. Gaze, 118 High St. Fremantle and at Kalgoorlie- “Just Received my Season's Shipments of High-class Cellular Clothing, Woodrow's Hats, Silk Goods, Welsh Margetson'S Shirts and Collars”. (reference)

1900 TOBACCONIST and Fancy Goods Business for Sale, suit lady, splendid shop, dwelling attached, central, rent £2, lease, good business. 118 High-st., Fremantle. (reference)

1906 HAIRDRESSING and Tobaconist's Business for Sale. well established, good position, owner leaving State: 118 High-st. Fremantle. (reference)

1912 Stealing a Duck. Alexander Bryant was charged with the theft of a fowl on Thursday night. Passing the Olympia Cafe, tenanted by George Coroneos, he marked a nice fat roast duck lying in the window and tried to abstract it, with the result that he appeared in Court the next morning… (reference)

1914 Pat Regan- at Fremantle Police Court, charged with smashing a plate glass window, the property of George Mavromates, a Greek. It appears that on Saturday night, at about twenty to twelve, Patrick wandered into the Olympia Cafe and ordered a meal. After he had finished the tucker he called for a "choice cigar," valued at a sprat, and then rushed out of the shop without "settling de little beel." This is the greatest offence one could offer a Greek. Pat did not know that the Greek was pretty handy with the mats, but a straight left from George sent him through the window. (reference)

1916 Scenes in Perth on Tuesday 5 December- large numbers of soldiers, paraded the streets, with the obvious intention of damaging the many Greek restaurants…The Greek restaurant keepers closed their doors shortly after 8 o'clock, and this probably, assisted in maintaining order. Twenty soldiers were arrested during the evening for interfering with the picket, fighting, and similar offences.

Disturbance at Fremantle. Early on Wednesday there was a feeling of uneasiness in the minds of shopkeepers in the main streets of Fremantle, a large number of soldiers viewing the various foreign cafes with a certain amount of unusual curiosity. Proceedings took a somewhat humorous turn during the fore noon, when a party of visiting members of the A.I.F. marched ceremoniously into the Olympia Cafe and quietly removed two large portraits of the King and Queen of Greece. Without further ado they then left the shop. In a short time the word was passed round and in the other shops all similar pictures of Greek royalty were hastily removed. Things then quietened down until late in the afternoon, when someone threw a stone and broke a front window of the Strand Cafe. Military pickets and civil police kept a smart watch on the soldiers and prevented any further damage being done. (reference)

1926 Miss Lily Geddes- Olympia Cafe- These three girls are entrants for the Popular Waitress Competition, the funds derived front which will go to the equipping of the new leisure hour club and rest-room for the girls. (reference)


Lot 415 owners: 1829 - 1837 Habgood, Robert, 1855 - 1859 Hamersley, E, 1876 - 1878 Weedon, John

1899 - 1901 Gaze, Thomas O, outfitter

1902 Guardiola, J, restaurant

1903 Vallve, A, restaurant

1904 John Hunter Boot Co. (The)

1907 - 1908 Bendall, Charles, stationer

1907 - 1910 Cannon, Walter, tailor

1909 - 1910 McDonald, John, stationer

1899 - 1913 NATIONAL HOTEL

(1899 - 1900 Jackson, James), (1901 - 1904 Tobin William, manager), (1907 - 1908 Byrne, Michael, manager), (1909 Breen, Joseph, manager), (1910 - 1912 Farrelly, Frederick, manager), (1913 William J. Byrne, manager)

1911 - 1925 Olympia Cafe

(1910 - 1912 G, Coroneos, propr), (1913 - 1925 G Mavromatis, propr)

1926 - 1932 Kanganas, A, cafe

1933 - 1934 National Bank of Australia Town Hall branch (R K Whitlock, manager)


(1934 - 1938 F J S Thompson, manager), (1938 - 1944 V L Bode, manager), (1945 - 1949 William G Tupper, manager)

2021 Lapa Brazilian Barbecue

Craig's Building

10 High St (was 24 pre 1939)

1928 - 1949 was known as CRAIG'S Buildings

A three storey rendered building with basement below street level. The basement and ground floors are recessed behind a pilaster façade with stucco brackets and the parapet has a highly decorative stucco pediment. The main entrance door and casement windows are arched with timber mullions. The first floor windows have decorative stucco effects.

Designed by E. H. Dean Smith c. 1989, alongside the Tannat Building at No. 8. The building has two storeys and a cellar on a very narrow frontage. It was built for Francis Frank’ Craig, (1852-1930) who made his money from the Goldfields and in 1898 was Chairman of WA Tattersall’s Club.

1901 James Liliy and Co. begs to intimate that he REMOVED to more Central and Commodious Offices in Craig's New Buildings, in High-street, where he intends carrying on his old-established business under the style of G.F. Gallop and Co. (reference)

1903 J de la B. WHITLOCK, ACCOUNTANT, and General Commission Agent, Craig's Buildings, 24 High St, Fremantle. (reference)

1903 I, ERNEST WILLIAM ROSMAN, business manager, now residing at High street, in the town of Fremaiitle, do hereby give notice that it is my intention to- apply at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden for this district for a Spirit Merchant's Licence in the rooms which I now occupy, situated at Craig's Buildings, High-street, Fremantle. W.E. ROSMAN., G. F. Boultbee, High-street Fremantle, Solicitor for the Applicant (reference)

1918 Miss Powers, costumiere, late of 24 High-street, who Is now In business in Greenbushes, wishes to thank her many customers for their kind patronage during her sojourn in Fremantle. (reference)

The place was known as the Cellars Restaurant in the 1980s.

In 2022 this building was renovated. It had been the last building in High St which still carried the yellow paint that had been applied to many buildings down High St to create the Arcs d'Ellipses installation, put up in October 2017 by Swiss artist Felice Varini as part of the High Tide Biennale.


Lot 18 owners: 1829 - 1837 Lamb, William, 1855 - 1878 Brown, R M B, 1879 Moore, W D

1900 - 1902 Merchant's Assoc. of W.A. (registration office)

1900 - 1903 Barker & Boultbee, solicitors

Vincent, Mrs. M A, luncheon rooms

1900 - 1904 Gallop & Co. G.F. shipping agents

1903 - 1904 McHenry, Clark J, agent

1904 Adams & Co. G.H. wine & spirit merchants

1904 - 1910 BOULTBEE & CALDER (GEORGE Frederick Boultbee, public notary & commissioner for affidavits & Jas. B. Calder, LL.B.), barristers & solicitors

1911 - 1913 West Australian Shipping Association Limited (Frank Nicholas, J.P. sec)

1914 Imperial Naval Intelligence Off. Major Percy Molly, in chg

1915 China Traders Insurance Co. Ld. (Marine)

1915 - 1916 North British Insurance Co. (Fire), W. R. Clarke

1915 - 1916 Gippsland & Northern Co-op. Co. Ld. (1915; E. J. Muirhead, rep) (1916; W R Clarke, rep)

1915 - 1917 Clarke, W R, com & independent agent

1916 - 1918

Powers, Miss Olivia, costumiere

Miller, Mrs J W, music teacher

Miller, John W

1919 - 1921 Miller, Mrs J W, music teacher

1921 - 1924

Bland & Le Quesne, wool & product merchants

Jandakot Wool Screening Works

1925 - 1927

The West Australian Trustee Exec & Agency Coy Ltd

Boylan Thomas / Boylan Thomas

1928 - 1954 CRAIG'S CHAMBERS First Floor: Joyce & Watkins, import and export merchants

1930s Marine Bi-Products Ltd, manures.

1960s ‘Roo on the Roof’ restaurant in the basement

1980s Cellars Restaurant

1991 Osho University of Unlearning, Raj Neesh ‘Orange People’ under Ma Deva Anuprada

2002 -Workshop 3S Jewellery

2019 The cellar houses Space agency, Michael Patroni's architectural design firm.

newly renovated 2022