96 High st

96 High Street (pre 1938 - 118 High Street) Olympia Cafe, formerly National Bank 

1898 T.O. Gaze, 118 High St. Fremantle and at Kalgoorlie- “Just Received my Season's Shipments of High-class Cellular Clothing, Woodrow's Hats, Silk Goods, Welsh Margetson'S Shirts and Collars”. (reference)

1900 TOBACCONIST and Fancy Goods Business for Sale, suit lady, splendid shop, dwelling attached, central, rent £2, lease, good business. 118 High-st., Fremantle. (reference)

1906 HAIRDRESSING and Tobaconist's Business for Sale. well established, good position, owner leaving State: 118 High-st. Fremantle. (reference)

1912 Stealing a Duck. Alexander Bryant was charged with the theft of a fowl on Thursday night. Passing the Olympia Cafe, tenanted by George Coroneos, he marked a nice fat roast duck lying in the window and tried to abstract it, with the result that he appeared in Court the next morning… (reference)

1914 Pat Regan- at Fremantle Police Court, charged with smashing a plate glass window, the property of George Mavromates, a Greek. It appears that on Saturday night, at about twenty to twelve, Patrick wandered into the Olympia Cafe and ordered a meal. After he had finished the tucker he called for a "choice cigar," valued at a sprat, and then rushed out of the shop without "settling de little beel." This is the greatest offence one could offer a Greek. Pat did not know that the Greek was pretty handy with the mats, but a straight left from George sent him through the window. (reference)

1916 Scenes in Perth on Tuesday 5 December- large numbers of soldiers, paraded the streets, with the obvious intention of damaging the many Greek restaurants…The Greek restaurant keepers closed their doors shortly after 8 o'clock, and this probably, assisted in maintaining order. Twenty soldiers were arrested during the evening for interfering with the picket, fighting, and similar offences.

Disturbance at Fremantle. Early on Wednesday there was a feeling of uneasiness in the minds of shopkeepers in the main streets of Fremantle, a large number of soldiers viewing the various foreign cafes with a certain amount of unusual curiosity. Proceedings took a somewhat humorous turn during the fore noon, when a party of visiting members of the A.I.F. marched ceremoniously into the Olympia Cafe and quietly removed two large portraits of the King and Queen of Greece. Without further ado they then left the shop. In a short time the word was passed round and in the other shops all similar pictures of Greek royalty were hastily removed. Things then quietened down until late in the afternoon, when someone threw a stone and broke a front window of the Strand Cafe. Military pickets and civil police kept a smart watch on the soldiers and prevented any further damage being done. (reference)

1926 Miss Lily Geddes- Olympia Cafe- These three girls are entrants for the Popular Waitress Competition, the funds derived front which will go to the equipping of the new leisure hour club and rest-room for the girls. (reference)


Lot 415 owners: 1829 - 1837 Habgood, Robert, 1855 - 1859 Hamersley, E, 1876 - 1878 Weedon, John

1899 - 1901 Gaze, Thomas O, outfitter

1902 Guardiola, J, restaurant

1903 Vallve, A, restaurant

1904 John Hunter Boot Co. (The)

1907 - 1908 Bendall, Charles, stationer

1907 - 1910 Cannon, Walter, tailor

1909 - 1910 McDonald, John, stationer

1899 - 1913 NATIONAL HOTEL

(1899 - 1900 Jackson, James), (1901 - 1904 Tobin William, manager), (1907 - 1908 Byrne, Michael, manager), (1909 Breen, Joseph, manager), (1910 - 1912 Farrelly, Frederick, manager), (1913 William J. Byrne, manager)

1911 - 1925 Olympia Cafe

(1910 - 1912 G, Coroneos, propr), (1913 - 1925 G Mavromatis, propr)

1926 - 1932 Kanganas, A, cafe

1933 - 1934 National Bank of Australia Town Hall branch (R K Whitlock, manager)


(1934 - 1938 F J S Thompson, manager), (1938 - 1944 V L Bode, manager), (1945 - 1949 William G Tupper, manager)

2021 Lapa Brazilian Barbecue