warehouse, 31 PAKENHAM ST

31 Pakenham Street (pre 1938 - 67/73 Pakenham Street)

A long narrow warehouse on this site on an 1898 map has been replaced by 1913 by a more substantial rectangular building, which appears closer to the footprint of the extant building.

1900 A warehouse with sheds and cottages (used as storage space) owned by William Dalgety Moore ( died in 1910).

1905-06 George Frederick Moore, W.D. Moore and Co.

The cottages cease to be listed between 1906 and 1910, suggesting this is when the site was cleared and a new, larger warehouse constructed.

W.D. Moore & CO continued to own and occupy the place until the late 1930s.

In 1939 the occupant is noted as Dalgety & Co.

By the mid-1940s the occupant is Donald John McKenzie, however, Moore continues to own the place.
In 1974 the place was purchased by R.C. Sadlier Pty Ltd.

It was auctioned by Sadliers in 1986.
2002 residential use.


Lot 109 & 110 owners:

1855 Curtis

1856 - 1878 Dyett, M

No evidence is available of ongoing tenant history as the building was owned by W.D. Moore & Co. for so long and using it as a storage space. In fact, in Post Office Directories, 67/73 Pakenham street is never mentioned by street number. 

31 Pakenham St.PNG