Commercial Bank (fmr)

20 High Street (pre 1938 - 34 High Street) Bank of Australasia (former) / Dept. of Health Building

1905 FREMANTLE SCHOOL of SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING, Commercial Bank Chambers, corner of High and Mouat st., Fremantle. Day and Evening Classes to suit Pupils. Empire Type Writing Company. (reference)

1930 W. H. Burford and Sons, Ltd., which claims to be the oldest soap manufacturing firm in Western Australia, has factories at Rocky Bay, North Fremantle, and Kalgoorlie…The main line manufactured by the firm is Signal Soap… Burford's Prize No. 1 is well-known as a high-grade soap, and the firm's Snow White Naptha soap… Other lines made are Exhibition candles, Nurses' cornflour, Bairns flaked rice, Roylat linoleum polish, Snowflakes, Excelsior blacklead, Sky washing blue, Epsom salts, shaving soap and cream... In the past year, the firm has acquired larger and more modern offices at the corner of High and Mouatt streets. Fremantle. (reference)

1931 Mr. W. S. Evans, manager for Messrs. Burford and Sons, in course of conversation during the week revealed that Burford's soaps have been manufactured in Western Australia for over 34 years… (reference)

1932 Every month somebody must win £25 in the Signal Soap limerick competition. On Page 13 of this issue our readers will find an unfinished limerick to which a last line is to be added. Competitors may send in as many entries as they wish, but each one must be accompanied by two Signal Soap inside wrappers from the carton… Entries are to be sent to 'Limerick Competition,' W. H. Burford and Sons Ltd.. Box 131, G.P.O., Fremantle. Burfords’ competitions last year were such an oustanding success that the new limerick contests, which are entirely one of skill, are also creating tremendous interest. (reference)

1938 DALGETY and COMPANY, LTD.. William-st. Perth; also High-st Fremantle- ABERDEEN and COMMONWEALTH LINE. (reference)


Lot 30 owners: 1829 - 1859 Bannister, T, 1876 - 1878 Habgood, R


(1902 D. G. Shannon, manager), (1903 - 1906 E. P. Yaldwin, manager), (1907 - 1917 H. F. Palmer, manager), (1918 - 1925 A E Fountain, manager)

1926 - 1927 Vacant

1928 - 1929 West Australian Trustee Executive & Agency Co, Limited

1930 - 1932 (no 34) Burford, W H & Sons Limited, soap and candle manufacturers (W S Evans, manager)

1933 - 1938 Vacant

1938 - 1949

Dalgety & Co Limited, merchants shipping (& stock & station agents, auctioneers, & wool brokers): Shipping Lines:

Aberdeen & Commonwealth Line Limited, shipping co

Cunard-White Star Limited, shipping co

Ocean Steamship Co Limited, shipping co

Shaw Savill & Albion Co Limited, shipping co

Messageries Maritimes, shipping co

Huddart Parker & Co Pty Limited, shipping co

Oceanic Steam Ship Co (Matson Line), shipping

Cossack Lightering & Traders Pty Ltd, lightermen

Pickfords Travel Service, tourist agents

1950s APT Shipping Co. Importers/Exporters

Commercial Bank (fmr).JPG