Bank of Australasia (fmr), Dept. of Health Building

18 High Street (pre 1938 - 32 High Street) Bank of Australasia (former) / Dept. of Health Building

1901, 18 High Street, Wilkinson and Smith, architects, possibly designed by W.J. Waldie Forbes.

1913 The NATIONIAL BANK IMPROVEMENTS AT FREMANTLE. So greatly has business increased with the National Bank of Australasia at the Fremantle branch, that it has been found necessary to add many improvements to the premises now occupied In High-street. In order to carry these out, it will be necessary to remove to new quarters, and these have been secured in Dalgety's Bulldlng In High street. When the present quarters are reconstructed, the offices will be greatly enlarged, an extra space of nearly 11 ' feet over the whole width of the buildIng (being attained by the removal of the back wall). This will provide ample room for bringing forward the fittings and for the erection of two letter boxes in place of one. It will also give space for the enlargement of the general counter. The strong room will, also be removed, so that it will open into the manager's room, thereby proving more convenient for general purposes. The dwelling-house is also to be reconstructed, so that it will In future be less cramped, and much more convenient of access. The contract, which will be carried out by. Mr. F, W. Spence, of East Fremantle, has been let at a price of £1,246, and it is estimated will take about eleven weeks to complete. (reference)


Lot 30 owners: 1829 - 1859 Bannister, T, 1876 - 1878 Habgood, R


Managers: 1901 - 1905 A.A. Hall, 1906 - 1924 J D Morrison, 1925 - 1937 D F Garvey, 1937 - 1939 Athol Norrie.

1939 - 1940 Vacant

1940 - 1949 Commonwealth Marine Branch, Lighthouse & Navigation Service

2021 Leeuwin Estate

Bank of Australasia (fmr), Dept. of Health Building.JPG