15 Pakenham St (was 47 pre 1938)

Two storey building (rendered façade and face brick sides), with half basement ground floor, below street level, and a zero setback from the pavement. The name 'Willshire & Freely' appears under the parapet There is a central entrance with a pair of timber paneled doors, and arched windows with decorative timber awnings.

The Port's earliest telegraph offices, in William Kett's woodyard, at the rear of what are now Willshire and Feeley's premises. (reference)

From 1904- 1942 this was the building of Willshire & Feely Co, also agents for Swallow and Ariell:

1915 SWALLOW AND ARIELL.Go where you will in this country, follow the track of the pioneers, get on the pad to the outback camps; trace the drovers route from the Nor'-West or the Murchison; call at the settlers' camp on the farmers' homestead; visit the suburban, areas of our most populous centres—and everywhere you will find - signs of Swallow and Ariell. Their tins (mostly empty) are landmarks of progress in very truth. Whether it be biscuits of various brands, or cakes of different kinds, or the famous Christmas plum pudding—king of his tribe—you will find Swallow and Ariell's signs from Eucla to Wyndham, from Fremantle out to the furthest camp ot the transcontinental line. (reference)


Lot 103 owners:

1829 - 1859 Scott, Dan

1876 - 1878 Marmion, W E

1899 - 1900 Bates, Edmund, secondhand dealer

1904 - 1942 Willshire & Feely, merchants Feely, Frederick C (W & F)

1922 - 1929 Hasell, Arthur H, merchant

1927 - 1934 Jones & Co Ltd. H. jam manufacturers

1929 - 1936 Swallow & Ariell Ltd, biscuit & cake manufacturers

1942 - 1949 Stevenson & Holland Ltd, customs, shipping & forwarding agents

2002, Backpackers Inn Freo-YHA Australia Hosteling International.

2016 Fremantle Hostel Backpackers owners Mario and Silvia Marra

1880 An elegant dejuner of Franco-Austian preserved meats, tinned fruits in syrup together with red and white South Australian wines was given yesterday in thle hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Perth by Mr. R. J. Wilshire, thle representative of Messrs. Darid J. Fowler for West Australia. Manufactured tobacco and cigars, and olive oil-all the produce of South Australia-were exhibited on a side table. (reference)

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