Orient Hotel

39 High Street (pre 1938 - 51-55 High Street)

The site of the Orient Hotel, 39 High Street Fremantle has been in continuous use as a hotel since c 1848.

In 1885 Adam Armstrong became licensee of the Club Hotel at the corner of 39 High Street and Henry Street. After 8 years he went bankrupt with unsettled debts associated with the Club Hotel in 1893. (reference). 

May 1888 The Club Hotel, heretofore known as the "EMERALD ISLE," Fremantle. Thomas Wand, Late Secretary to the Fremantle Club, Proprietor, The Celebrated Club ‘Lunch’, From 12 o'clock till 2 o'clock Daily… (reference)

From 1899 - 1902 was Thomas O'Beirne’s Club Hotel

This current three-storey building was designed by architect Michael Cavanagh and constructed c. 1902-03 in the Federation Academic Classical style. It addresses the south western corner of both High and Henry Streets.

It is important for its association with Patrick, Charlotte and the Hon W.E. Marmion who were associated with the earlier hotels on the site, the Parry family who owned Orient Hotel for 48 years, and as the long time residence of Mayoress Lady and Sir Frank Gibson, of Foy and Gibson. 

The facades consist of a central section containing arcades of three arches on the ground and first floor levels and give arched openings with supporting Corinthian pilasters at the second floor level. The central sections are protected by verandahs at the ground and first floor levels. The verandahs are bullnose corrugated iron roofed with lace balustrades at the first floor level and have circular posts with brackets at the verandah beams. The ground floor wall surfaces are articulated with bold string courses, the first floor with finer string courses and the upper floor wall surfaces are plain but for horizontal indentations in cement rendered quoins at the projecting corners of the end bays. The two facades meeting at the street corner are hinged together by a quarter circle containing a door on the ground floor level and windows to the upper levels facing diagonally out across the street intersection.

1902 Article about the opening of the Orient Hotel:

To celebrate the opening of the Hotel Orient, a magnificently-appointed hostelry, which has been erected on the site of the old Club Hotel, at the corner of High and Henry streets, Fremantle, a complimentary banquet was last night tendered to a number of leading citizens by the proprietor (Mr. T. O'Beirne), and the lessee (Mr. Karl Fink)… (reference)

1902 Description of the hotel:

There are thirty of these fine sleeping apartments, eight of which have double accommodation. Each floor contains sitting and drawing rooms conveniently placed…Each flat is provided with numerous bathrooms and sanitary conveniences on the most up-to date principle…Another great feature which will be appreciated, is the conservation of rain water, which has been made possible by the utilisation of the roofing space of the hotel. A supply of 16,000 gallons of pure water is therefore assured. Electric lights in tasteful colours and electric bells are fitted through-out the building. (reference)


Lot 62 & 63 owners: 1829 - 1837 Chidlow, Henry, 1855 - 1859 (62)Marmion P (63)Woodward, Sarah, 1876 - 1879 Marmion, William E

1885 -1893 Adam Armstrong became licensee of the Club Hotel. (reference). 

1899 - 1901 O'Beirne, Thomas, Club Hotel

1902 Bunyard, A, Club Hotel

1903 - 1949 HOTEL ORIENT

(1903 - 1906 Fink, Karl), (1907 - 1911 O'Beirne, Thomas), (1912 Mrs. M. A. O'beirne), (1913 - 1923 Joseph Monaghan), (1924 - 1927 M C Parry), (1928 - 1931 H E Parry, licensee), (1932 - 1938 M C Parry), (1938 - 1940 J S Kerbey), (1940 - 1943 P H Kerr), (1944 - 1945 G S Parry), (1946 - 1947 P H Kerr), (1949 Mrs M Parry)

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