7 Mouat St

7-9 Mouat St ( Pre 1938- 21 Mouat St)

Notre Dame University ND31 - School of Nursing & Midwifery - Commercial Bank (fmr)

Two storey rendered building with a truncated corner adjoining 18 High Street, with a zero setback from the pavement. The ground floor has ashlar effect rendering and the first floor features quoining. The decorative parapet has engaged low piers above a bracketed cornice.

In 1884 the National Bank purchased the property. 1902/03 the Commercial Bank was on the corner office.

1912 NEW COMPANIES. The following new companies were registered at the Supreme Court: Lysaght Galvanised Iron Proprietary, Ltd., power of attorney to John Moss Davey- registered office, 21 Mouatt-street, Fremantle. (reference)

1912 LYSAGHT'S GALVANISED WIRE NETTING. Bird, Rabbit, Kangaroo, Wallaby, Dog, Sheep, Pig and Crossbred Ram Proof. Also for Poultry Runs and Tennis Courts. ½inch to 4 inch mesh. 2 ft. to 6 ft. wide. Gauges from 22 to 12. (reference)

1914 GALVANISED IRON ADVANCE. Perth, Aug 12. Acting under instructions cabled from London, the local branch office of Messrs. Lysaght, Ltd. have announced that owing to the increased cost of production, freight and insurance, the price of galvanised iron has been increased 30/ per ton. In addition to this the firm has been compelled to resist the rush of orders by declining to supply retail houses with more than their average supply. At the present time the supplies on hand are normal, and a further supply is expected to reach Fremantle by the s.s. Needles, which is due Thursday. (reference)

1915 DEATH John Moss DAVEY, beloved husband of Sarah Davey, late manager Lysaght's Galvanised Iron Proprietary, Ltd., in his 74th year. (reference)

1922 Lysaght's galvanised iron works at Port Waratah are to be closed down. About 800 men will be added to Newcastle's large unemployed population. The high cost of production is said to be the cause. (reference) (The timing of this closure coincides with the disappearance of Lysaght’s from their address in Mouat-st.)

1926 Robert Corkhill has since the day of 47 years ago dealt with the output of galvanised iron. He started the business at South Melbourne and never, counts the trees as he rides in a train but makes it a rule to think about the product of different gauges and people who have half a ton on the roof never imagine the little man has for 29 years handled the great majority of the commodity so dear on the goldflelds…Bob has handled more iron, plain and corrugated, than all the ships in Fremantle Harbour today could load up, and boasts he never lost a single sheet, so he is a head storeman highly prized by Lysaughts who make it a standard practice to see old employes are well catered for and the response is satisfactory in loyalty to the firm. (reference)

1947 The undermentioned depots are available for the receipt of gifts of food and clothing to the British Flood Relief Red Cross Appeal- Bulk and packing stores: John Lysaught (Aust.) Ltd. Pakenham street. Fremantle. (reference)

In 2002 the building was vacant, until used by Notre Dame University for athe School of Nursing and Midwifery.


7-9 Mouat St

1911 - 1912 Victoria Galvanised Iron & Wire Co. (J. M. Davey, manager.)

1913 - 1915 Lysaghts Galvanised Iron Proprietary Ltd. (J. M. Davey, manager.)

1916 - 1919 Lysaghts Galvanised Iron Pty Ltd (F L Walker, manager)

1920 - 1921 Lysaght, John (Australia) Ltd, galvanised iron merchants

1922 - 1923 Westralian Farmers Ltd (shipping office)

Commonwealth Govt Line of Steamers

1924 - 1929 Aberdeen & Commonwealth Line of Steamers

1930 - 1938 Aberdeen & Commonwealth Line