Occidental Chambers

97-99 High Street (pre 1938 - 119/121 High Street) Occidental Chambers, Cabin Tearooms, Bousfelds

A two storey brick and rendered building with parapet. The first floor façade has tall casement windows with transom lights and stucco architraves (centre window in filled) flanked by decorative pilasters.

Early buildings on this site were demolished in 1897 and new buildings constructed in 1898 for Mr Walter de Lacy Bacon who owned them until 1904-5 when Alexander James Wright bought them. Wright remained owner until after World War II when Frank Bousfield, Arthur John and Arthur Gordon Noble took over the properties.

1898 Some short time ago the railway employees of the colony decided upon the establishment of a Railway Institute, having for its object the intellectual advancement of the members… the club has three rooms on the second floor of the Occidental Buildings, High-street, and last night the rooms were formally declared open by Mr. R. B. Campbell, Locomotive Superintendent… The rooms would be open from 7.30 p.m. to 10 p.m. nightly, excluding Sundays… (reference)

16 Sept 1905 A smoke social to celebrate the opening of the Occidental Club was held at the club rooms, in the Occidental Chambers, Fremantle, on Wednesday evening. The president (Mr W. G. Hulbert) occupied the chair, and there was a very large attendance of members… The Chairman said that the club was not a betting club, as had been stated by some irresponsible people about the town. Betting was one of the first things that the promoters put their foot down on in forming the club… (reference)

Oct 1905 BILLIARDS. A match of 500 up was played on Thursday night at the Occidental Club, Fremantle, between Fred. Lindrum, jun., and H. Bromley. (reference)

1907 Messrs. Florias Bros, have secured the centrally situated shop in Occidental Buildings, High-street, until recently occupied by Mr. Samuels, and the premises conducted by Mr. T. Day, as a Pastrycook and Tearoom business. Immediate arrangements have been entered into for the demolition of the dividing wall with the object of turning the combined shops into one large Fish and Oyster Saloon and a first-class restaurant. (reference)

1910 Fire at Occident Chambers- William Ernest Elliott, foreman of the Fremantle Fire Brigade, deposed that at 4.55 a.m. on Easter Sunday a call was received from the Town Hall alarm. Immediately the hose cart and four men were despatched to the scene of the outbreak. The main part of the fire appeared to witness to be at the rear of Patten's store. With the assistance of others witness burst in the door of the shop. The smoke and flames' proved overpowering… (reference)

The Cabin Tearooms, started in 1910 at 106 High Street, Fremantle by Ernest Albert and Blanche Rose Evans. From 1913 the Tearooms expanded with an office at 106 and Tearooms at 121 High Street- a two story building with beautiful balustrades leading upstairs. The Cabin tearoom waitresses wore a blue nurse style uniform, with a white collar. The tea rooms remained at that address until 1937 and became an iconic dining establishment in Fremantle. Social meetings and celebrations including wedding receptions, corporate and club anniversaries and other special events such as the inaugural “Ugly womens competition” were held there. The Cabin Tearooms also provided catering. In 1928 the tearooms were sold to Fred Farrelly (reference) who was interested in an ice cream factory and shop.

Florence ‘Flossie’ Barrett managed the iconic Cabin Tearooms at 121 High Street, Fremantle, with an ‘‘iron fist” in the 1920’s. She was independent and spirited. Read her biography here (link)

1912 lt was a very jovial party that recently gathered in the Cabin Tearooms, Fremantle, to celebrate the winning of a £5000 Tattersall prize, the winners being a quintet of employees of the firm of Simper, Ltd The head of that progressive and prosperous fruit and butter company… (reference)

1920 Sir. W. Renton said the Cabin tearoom girls met last night and passed a resolution that they would not go back to work until the 'scabs' had been taken out of the tearooms. Mr. Evan had been out after Labor for years arid now they wanted to bring him to his knees. There was no doubt he had learned his lesson during the last few days. Only a couple of days ago he had told the workers' representatives he would employ whom he liked, and in fact do as he liked. He knew now that he had to do as the unions wished him to, and that he would only be allowed to employ union labor. There were only 27 girls in the tearooms fight. Surely they could keep them for three weeks if necessary, or even 13 months, in order to win the fight... (reference)

1920 INDUSTRIAL TEAROOMS' DISPUTE. Following a conference yesterday afternoon between the Fremantle industrial disputes committee and the president of the Master Caterers' Union (Mr. Rolfe), a settlement of the dispute affecting the Cabin Tearooms, Fremantle, was arrived at. The Tearooms were open to-day. The terms of the settlement have excited the widest interest, and have been the subject of comment, not only by the general public, but in the inner circles of unionism. They are as follow: All employes engaged must be members of the Hotel and Restaurant Employes' Union. No employes are to be dismissed unless the matter is brought under the notice of the secretary of the Fremantle Trades Hall. All the employees who ceased work shall not sustain any loss so far as wages are concerned. Mr. Rolfe must take complete charge of the Cabin Tearooms for at least six months. Other clauses provide for the reinstatement of all the employees who ceased work, including the two girls in connection with whose dismissal the trouble arose, and for the dismissal of the head kitchen hand. (reference)


Lot 418 owners: 1829 - 1837 Bateman, Mary Ann, 1855 - 1859 Spencer, J, 1876 - 1878 Pearse, Mrs. William

No. 97

1898 Railway Institute Club rooms

1899 Day, T H, baker


1902 - 1905 Sargood, Butler, Nichol & Ewen (sample room) & Goode, Durrant & Co. Ltd. (sample rooms)

1902 Bickford & Sons (A. M.) (sample rooms)

1903 - 1905 Murray D. & W. Ltd. warehouseman & importers

1903 - 1904 Oldham, Ronald G, architect

1905 - 1909 Occidental Club, (1906 -C A Bolton, secretary, (1907- D Ryan, secretary, (1908 -Frank B Hunter, secretary, (1909- J. V. O'Halloran, accounting secretary)

1933 - 1938 Bateman Ltd, M J (N Garvey, manager), electrical engineers & radio experts

1939 - 2022 Bousfield, T P, mercers

No. 99

1899 Williams L. Gray & Co. photographers

1900 Nixon & Merrilies, photographers & Fraser & Davis, grocers

1901 Nixon, Charles, photographer

1902 Newman, Miss Ethel, confer & Lang, Miss, confer

1902 - 1906 Millington, W G, photographer

1903 - 1905 Cannon, W, tailor

1906 - 1907 Cannon, D, tailor

1907 Clayfield, William, photographer

1908 - 1909 Charlton, Alfred O, photographer & Possner, David, tailor & mercer

1910 Beste & Jaggs, photographers

1911 - 1912 Vanduara Tea Rooms (Robert K. Scott)

1913 - 1937 Cabin Tea Rooms (Mrs B R Evans)

1937 - 1938 Vacant

1938 - 1942 Smith & Co Ltd William, furniture dealers & drapers

1942 - 1949 Noble & Co A J, furniture dealers & drapers

97-99 high st.JPG