85-87 High St

85-87 High Street (pre 1938 - 103/105 High Street), Davies Building

The lot was owned by the Davies family from 1855 and stayed in the family until 1950, until it was divided. The eastern half, bought by the Totalisator Agency Board, was demolished in the early 1970s and replaced by the present TAB Building, The western half of the original building remains.

1907 After the Fremantle Council condemned four buildings in High St, part of the estate of the late Mr G. A. Davies an application was made by the trustees, for permission to borrow £5,000, on the security of the estate, for the purpose of erecting new buildings on the same lot by his son… The cost of erecting the new buildings' would not exceed £5,000… He had received in timation from the previous tenants that they would occupy the new shops immediately oh their completion (reference)

This building with its highly decorative ‘Romanesque’ façade was designed in 1907 by architect John McNeece- after demolition of the 4 original cottages and shops, and built by contractors, Messrs. Bradley and Rudderham (reference) The parapet has an engaged balustrade with a decorative stucco pediment on the right side, including a face. The first floor has four stucco arched windows with multi paned casements and fanlights, and three engaged Corinthian columns.

1897-1899 Ernest C. Mitchell of Mitchell and Sons- confectioners and bakers, was the son of J. T. Mitchell of Swanville, East Fremantle, who brought with him (and his father) from England the first lollie making machinery ever exported from England.

1898 Ball at Fremantle- The Britannia Quadrille Assembly held its second annual ball in the Victoria Hall, Fremantle, last evening. Fully sixty couples were present, and they continued their pastime till 2 o'clock this morning. The supper was an excellent one, and the tables very prettily decorated. Messrs. J. E. Mitchell and Sons catered, and everybody appreciated the capital provision made by them. (reference)

Ernest Mitchell was educated at Fremantle Grammar School. His early years were spent in the North-West as jackeroo on Rotton's station, Gascoyne River, where he became an expert in the native dialect… Despite his family connections Ernest ran as a Labor candidate for Toodyay in 1911;

He has always supported and voted for Labor, having a keen sympathy for the under dog. (reference)

1908-1911 The Premier tea rooms have now started their career in the new premises in Davies' Buildings, High-street, and are without doubt the most up to date and best appointed tea and refreshment rooms in Fremantle. Mr. E. B. Banfield, the proprietor, has earned a well-deserved reputation as a high class canfectioner, and as a maker of wedding and birthday cakes. Patrons of the Premier tea rooms either at the new shop next to the ‘White House’, or at the branch shop, 147 High-street, can always rely on getting everything of the best. A special feature of the new tea rooms is the smoking room upstairs, where cool drinks of every description can be obtained as well as tea, coffee, ices and other refreshments. (reference)

1912 There was a representative gathering of holders of Australian wine licences at the Literary Institute on Thursday night. The object of the meeting was to devise measures for the purpose of protecting the interests of the licence-holders. It was decided to form an Association, and Mr. J. Picone, of Fremantle was elected president, and a committee was appointed to draw up rules. (reference)

From 1913 - 1938 John Melbourne Rees ran Rees Chemist shop in High St:

1916 Mr. J. M. Rees, cash chemist, of High street, Fremantle. advises that, although he is the sole agent for Roscoe's Catarrhal Cigarettes, these may also be obtained from all chemists and stores throughout the State. It is claimed that these cigarettes are a certain cure for catarrh in all forms. (reference)

1928 The "man who mixes things" at Rees Cash Chemists, 105 High street, Fremantle. If there is one man in Fremantle above another, who never has been known to "squeal" about business being slack, is J.M., whose trade has flourished exceedingly since he first he put out his name-plate, as he says himself "If you give the public what they want they will give you what they can." (reference) see photo

For many years it was the home to various wine saloons:

1933 TATE'S WINE SALOON. An impressive Xmas price-list of this firms' famous wines is advertised in this issue. No better conducted business of this character can be found in W.A.. and Mr. Tate, the manager, deserves support for his enterprise and efficient service provided for the public. The home of this firm's activities is just opposite the Commonwealth Bank's new premises in High-street, Fremantle. (reference)

The building was occupied by Tates Wines in the 1940s, and Penfolds Wines 1956-1980s.

The shop front was altered in 1971 by Montague Grant Architect and in 1973 by Bennett Allen & Allen.

It was the Fremantle Wine Saloon in the 1970s.

1985- 2019 The Record Finder at 87 High St. Mark La Hogue has been trading vinyl records in Freo since 1985. Read full story in Freo View (link) and video from 2015 (link)

The Record Finder is the oldest established record dealer in Australasia, having operated for over 40 years since its inception in 1966. (now at 41F High St, Fremantle) (reference)


Lot 420 & 421 owners: 1829 - 1837 Moulton, James A, 1855 - 1859 Davies, A, 1876 - 1878 (420)Davies, George A, (421)Webster, P 1879 Davies, George A

No. 85

1899 Longbottom Percival, estate agent

1900 - 1904 Murray W. & A. tailors

1905 - 1907 Parrant, George, dyer

1908 Lucraft, A, grocer

1910 - 1913 Picone, Joseph, fruiterer & wine saloon (moved to Market St c 1921)

1915 - 1918 Rappeport Bros. fruiterer & wine saloon

1919 - 1920 Tate & Rappeport, wine warehouse

1921 - 1922 Tate & Breckler, wine saloon

1923 - 1947 Tate, A, wine saloon

1949 Flaherty, John, wine saloon

No. 87

1897 - 1899 Mitchell & Sons, bakers & confectioners sold to Banfield (reference)

1900 - 1901 Banfield, John V baker- of the Port Bakery

1908 - 1911 Banfield, Ernest B, baker confer. & refreshment rooms- Premier Tea rooms

1912 Weir Mrs. M. confr. & refreshment rooms & Weir, Nicholas

1913 Vienna Cafe (in newspaper from 1904?)

1914 - 1915 Birmingham, W P, surgeon

1914 - 1920 Ryan, M P, optician

1914 - 1938 Rees, J M, chemist

1914 - 1939 Ennis, George, dentist

1921 - 1929 Ryan, Mrs M E, optician

(1921 - 1926 John E Dadd, manager), (1927 - 1929 B Birmingham, manager)

1930 Hallion, Basil J, medical practitioner

1931 - 1935 Smith K. E, optician The many friends of Mr. E. K. Smith, the popular optician, will be pleased to learn that he has taken over the practice of Lawrence S. Eimer, at J. M. Rees, chemist, 105 High-street, Fremantle. Mr. Smith deserves his success, having been associated. previously with "Mr. B," Messrs. Laubman and Pank and Lawrence C. Eimer, and is rapidly rising in the optical profession. (reference)

1938 - 1939 Rees, M G, chemist

1939 - 1942 Singer Sewing Machine Coy, sewing machine dealers

1942 - 1944 Vacant

1945 - 1949 International Cafe, restaurant