Manning Building

109-113 High St (was 131-135 pre 1938) Majestic Theatre

The Manning family emigrated to Australia in the 1830s and Lucius Alex Manning became the biggest landowner in Fremantle. The Manning buildings were built from 1902 to 1906 for a cost of £2,243, as an investment, by the trustees for the Manning Bros. Estate. Cavanagh & Cavanagh were the main architects for the buildings with various builders for the different stages.

The Majestic Theatre, part of these buildings, was opened by Mayor, W. E. Wray on 22 December 1916. In 1938 it was closed and Coles took over the tenancy.

1918 Down at Fremantle on Monday the Port Majestic will screen "Idle Wives," of which columns of commendation have been written. This is a picture that has taught a terribie but needed lesson to millions of thoughtless women and over-indulgent husbands, the denouement being sensational and totally unexpected. (reference)

Dec 1938 Contracts were let this week for alterations and additions to the old Majestic Theatre at Fremantle to provide a store for G. J. Coles and Co, Ltd., at a cost of £6,227. The building is owned by the Manning Estate, which has let a contract at about £3,750 to Mr. F. Rennie for general alterations and for converting the building into two storey premises. The work comprises the building of a ground floor (which will replace the ramped floor) a new first floor carried on steel staunchions, the replastering of all walls and the provision of new ceilings. New shop fronts on the lines of the standard design of G. J. Coles and Co, Ltd., will be fitted. (reference)

Barney Silbert, boot and shoe retailer occupied shops in this corner from 1922- 1949

1928 He is Mr Silbert but everybody calls him by his first name, which Barney himself regards as a sign of good fellowship. Came to Fremantle from Poland twenty six, years ago, being then a youth in his teens… Was the moving spirit in the organisation of the Fremantle Business Men's Association, and served it for several years as a member of Its executive committee. Did good work also as one of the working body of the Ugly Men's Association and is a vice-president of the Fremantle Bowling Club. Barney wears a genial smile, even when lumpers are striking and business isn't booming. (Sunday Times, 9 Dec 1928)

1954 Port Identity Dies At 65 Mr. Barney Silbert, a leading business man in Fremantle during the last 40 years, has died suddenly yesterday after suffering ill health for some months. Mr. Silbert, who was 65, came to Western Australia 50 years ago and set up business in a small shop next to the Commercial Bank in Fremantle. He resided in Fremantle until 1939, when he moved to Thomas-street, Nedlands. He was a prominent member of the State's Jewish community and of the Fremantle Bowling Club. Mr. Silbert was buried yesterday in the Fremantle cemetery. He leaves a widow, two sons and five grandchildren. (reference)


Lot 383 owners: 1829 - 1837 Lloyd, George, 1855 - 1859 Manning, H, 1876 - 1878 Manning, L A

No. 109 (was 131 pre 1938)

1900 - 1902 Economic Limited (The), drapers

1910 - 1915 Breckler Bros, boot importers

1916 - 1921 Breckler & Silbert, boot importers

1922 - 1949 Silbert, Barney, boot & shoe retailer

1932 - 1939 Billiard Room

No. 111 (was 133 pre 1938)

1905 - 1914 Freedman & Co. Ld. S. drapers

1914 - 1917 Harrison, A J H, tailor

1915 - 1922 Sullivan, D P, clothiers

1923 - 1926 Silbert, Barney, draper

1927 - 1932 Union Stores Ltd, hardware

1933 - 1954 Silbert, Barney, boot & shoe retailer

No. 113 (was 135 pre 1938)

1899 Allen, Joseph E, architect

Wright, George A, electrical engineer

1899 - 1901

Robinson, George, florist

Penny, Misses, tea rooms

1900 Readman W. stock & share brokers

1902 Webb & Co G estate agents

1905 Williams, C E, tobacconist

1906 George & Saunders, dairy product merchants

1908 - 1938 Maxwell & Co, E H, stationers

1918 - 1938 Majestic Theatre

Managers: 1918 - 1925 Brown, H F, 1926 - 1927 Driver, E L, 1928 - 1929 Palmer, R T, 1930 - 1932 Binns, V W, 1933 - 1934 Callow, E,

1938 - 1949 Barney Silbert, boot & shoe retailer

1938 Coles & Co