Commercial Building, 3 Pakenham St

3 Pakenham Street (pre 1938 - 25 Pakenham Street)

This is a two storey rendered and painted brick building with a bracketed cornice on a simple parapet. The facade has two entrances and a garage entrance with a door on the right side. The windows have a keystone finish to the first floor.

1920 BAGS and Sacks (Second hand). We buy and sell any quantity and description. Get our quotes before purchasing elsewhere. M. Morris & Co. 46 Stirling Street PERTH, 25 Packenham Street, FREEMANTLE. (reference)

1930 MOST of the football fraternity at the Port will recognise the face of Gordon Tuxford… In private life he holds down a responsible position in the well-known shipping firm of William Crosby and Co. and in business as in sport, he has made a hoot of friends. (reference)

1932 ASTORIA, ms, 4,454 tons; for Geraldton, to complete discharging phosphates; p.m. William Crosby, and Co., agents. (reference)

1934 Having sailed from Adelaide yesterday afternoon, the Ellerman and Bucknall steamer City of Winchester is expected to reach Fremantle on Tuesday evening, to load wool and general cargo for the United Kingdom and Continent. Wm. Crosby and Co. Pty. Ltd. (reference)

1949 WANTED for shipping office, Short hand Typiste. Apply William Crosby and Co. Pty. Ltd., 3 Pakenham-st., Fremantle. (reference)


1829 - 1837 Lot 98: Solomon, James.

1855 - 1857 Lot 98: Leake, G.

1858 - 1878 Lot 98: Leake, L.

1914 Diamond Baggage Agent  (Charles Dalton, manager)

1917 - 1926 Morris & Co, M, bag merchants

1927 - 1929 Crosby & Co Pty Ltd, William (factory)

1929 - 1934 Federal Stevedoring Co. Ltd, store

1933 - 1949 William Crosby & Co, Pty Ltd, ship owners & agents (1933-1938: H.G. Momber, manager)

1941 - 1949

Federal Stevedoring Co Ltd, stevedores , Canton Insurance Office Ltd, insurance company, H Momber attorney for company

1948 Ellerman and Bucknall Steamship Co. Ltd., 3 Pakenham street, Fremantle, incorporated in England, head office at 104 106 Leadenhall street, London (reference)

1944 - 1949 Commonwealth Salvage Board

c. 1990 owners A & B Darbyshire

2002 Dillon Whitelaw & Associates, offices

2019 Republic of Fremantle, Gin distillery, Leased to Jason Townes, Matt Giudice and John McVeigh

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