Atwell Buildings

112-122 High Street (pre 1938 - 138/142/144/146/148/152 High Street) Atwell Buildings

The Atwell Arcade is a two storey corner building extending around and through to Cantonment Street. The painted English Bond brick facade has a simple parapet and a decorative pediment with 'AD 1895' and 'Atwell Building' appears in the parapet. Engaged pilasters divide the building into bays. The timber double hung sash windows are surrounded by aedicules with engaged balustrade below.

1895 The Atwell Buildings, were designed by architect J. McNeece, replaced an older house and shop.

1898 LADIES, be your own Dressmaker, Linings Cut and Fitted. MADAME HATTON, Scientific Costumiere (over Walsh's, Grocer), High-street, Fremantle. (reference)

In 1903 Henry Atwell and E. Atwell bought the building and in leased a shop to J. H. Pellew, draper. His shop sold everything from appliances to musical instruments.

1902 Messrs. J. H. Pellow have in their new show-rooms a great variety of summer blouses, tucked and pouched, with transparent yokes or collars. Silk blouses with Paris insertion and blouses of floral muslin trimmed with the same fashionablo lace, are on view. I noticed also a large, supply of summer dresses, hats, and bonnets for children. Altogether Messrs. J. H. Pellow's new show rooms are a great addition to the attractions of High-street, and a boon to the lady residents of Fremantle. (reference)

1904 Messrs. J. H. Pellow and Co.. of High. street, Fremantle, announce the last week of their opening sale. They state that they are throwing out some extraordinkry bargains for to-day and next week, in order to make room for shipments of new winter goods which are, they assert, ar riving daily. (reference)

In 1906 other buildings were replaced and incorporated into the existing long facade.

1911 Fremantle. THE STRAND CAFE. C. Manea and Co. 140 and 142 High Street, Fremantle. THE POPULAR RESTAURANT OF THE PORT. Private saloon upstairs (reference)

1915 (To the Editor. "Fremantle Herald.") The attitude of Greece- Greece is faithful to the Entente Powers and will never fight for Germany; she is remaining neutral because she is awaiting the right moment to strike the Bulgarians and the Turks. Greece has no alternative… JACK KOUTTSOUKIS. Strand Cafe, Fremantle. (reference)

In 1929 the arcade was constructed and Sarah Phoebe Atwell became sole owner.

In 1979 Atwell's arcade was renovated.

From 1903 - 1990s Pellews, drapers and clothiers, had a shop on this corner. In 1985 when an application was made to construct a new front to Pellew's drapery the application was refused by Council. Pellew's went out of business in the 1990s.

In 1927 Culleys Tearooms: Edward and Alice Culley met John Abbott, owner of Abbott’s confectionary ( 1918 - 1926 Abbott, John E, confectioner) on the train and they got talking. Edward and Alice were looking to move their cafe to Fremantle and Mr Abbot was looking to sell. 15 Minutes later the deal was done with an old fashioned handshake. Culley's tearooms have been operating in the arcade ever since. The Culley’s story has been running for four generations. Dick and Ted took over from Edward and Alice, Darrell Culley and Bob Wegner continued the tradition, today the Culley’s business in the hands of Michael Culley and Melissa Culley. (2022)( reference)


Lot 329 owners: 1829 - 1859 Lloyd, James, 1876 -1879 Lloyd, Mrs

No. 112

1907 - 1929 Mummery, Sydney B, dentist

1934 - 1938 Robin Julius, tobacconist & hairdresser Atwells Arcade

1938 - 1949 Wenley, William, tobacconist & hairdresser Atwell Arcade

No. 114

1911 Holmes Bros. & Co. Ltd. (Edward Earle, manager) butchers

1911 - 1917 Strand Cafe

(1911-1912 C Manea & co- Jacovos Koochukos/JACK KOUTSOUKIS, Prop ) (1912 T. Constantinon, proprs), (1913 - 1917 Koutsoukis Bros. proprs),

Mr. Agapitos (Alec) Kanganas proprietor

1918 - 1949 Gibson, Frank E, chemist

1921 Morlet, C M, medical practitioner (cons rooms)

1921 - 1922 Martell, H H F, medical practitioner (cons rooms)

1921 - 1928 Bickett, John

1923 Dermer, W T, medical practitioner

1923 - 1931 Dermer, E R, medical practitioner

1923 - 1934 Bennett, P G, dentist

1928 - 1939 Nelson, Charles, optician

No. 116

1899 - 1913 Pallot, John P, confectioner

1914 - 1917 Sweetingham, William J, confectioner

1918 - 1926 Abbott, John E, confectioner

1927 - 1949 Culley, E A, confectioner

No. 118

1899 Hatton, Madame Emilea, costumiere

1899 - 1905 Parry & Co. (E.), chemists

1906 Bartlett, N, auctioneer

1907 - 1949 Hooper, William, watchmaker & jeweller

No. 120

1899 - 1900 Walsh Bros. (J. G. & C.), storekeeper

1901 Edinger, George, grocer

1902 Train & Co. drapers & Goode Co. Matthew, warehousemen

No. 120 & 122

1903 - 1990s Pellews Limited, drapers and clothiers

(1941 - 1945 Fremantle Church of England)

112-122 high st.JPG